Teens & medical marijuana


New Member
ABC News 20/20 is working on a story about the benefits of Medical Marijuana for teens. We want to follow a few teens --with either Anorexia or ADHD/ADD — who are about to start treatment with MM. Are you (& your parents?) willing to open up to us and our cameras to allow us to document your experience? We want to tape with you right before you start MM as well as during the treatment. The goal is to show your transformation/ improvement!


Well-Known Member
only to someone who's never tried it with someone with ADD.

I was diagnosed with ADD, and I don't feel that I have it anymore upon using cannabis everyday.

I'd say only for people who can control it. certain people just expect something to make them concentrate all day, weed isn't that sort of thing, it's only useful for certain people to concentrate,and if I were to recommend a strain for ADD, it would definitely be heavy sativa.


I think mj can be whatever you want it to be! Weed may help with ADD as you have concentrate or you forget what you are doing! Sure its not gonna make you sit an 8 hour test in silence, but i bet you could do 30 minutes without trying..all of a sudden you are done the test, pens down and you are like wtf just happened...I scored ok on that one too :P


Active Member
different people, different effects. as a person who's been diagnosed wit ADD, weed doesn't have one beneficial use for me (when it comes to getting that shit under control).