tell me about coke


Active Member
Its roughly round 45$ for a G here.. Socal.

I used to call it Bindel, now I call it Binderella -- LOL dont ask why.

That reminds me, what are your guys nicknames for Coke?

I maybe do it less than once a month.


if its powder we call it softr. if its rocks we call it hard


Well-Known Member
i just say powder.

i was just talking to a guy. he says he can get me a ball for 120.

other people around here charge 50-80 bucks a g


Well-Known Member
no idea. havent gotten it yet. he said like a week or so.

but based on this guys life im assuming he has some good connects.


Well-Known Member
Coke is fun if u can control your habit. When u mix it with booze u can get one hell of a hangover. I'll do some if I'm tired or wasted off beer. However, i don't go looking for it, my friend comes across it a couple of times a month. I've heard nothing but bad news abt Crystal. However, i think Herion is the worst drug. I've seen it mess up too many of my friends. Be careful with coke! Peace!


Well-Known Member
Coke is fun if u can control your habit. When u mix it with booze u can get one hell of a hangover. I'll do some if I'm tired or wasted off beer. However, i don't go looking for it, my friend comes across it a couple of times a month. I've heard nothing but bad news abt Crystal. However, i think Herion is the worst drug. I've seen it mess up too many of my friends. Be careful with coke! Peace!

ohhh man... hell yeah it does. i never wanna feel like that again! what a terrible day that was.

the coke didnt do this to me. its my hourly habbit of smoking crystal underneath my stairs... :lol:


New Member
ok so there is good coke and bad coke. Good coke will be white, pure white, and fluffy, and when it breaks it does so as a soft white powder would, rather than like something hard or jagged and not really crunchy or crusty unless it gets wet. like he said put some on your tongue or gums and see how it feels. good coke makes ur teeth feel numb if u put it on ur gums, the stronger it is the more tingly numb your teeth become. good coke has a bitter taste to it and tastes a lot like novacaine you get at the dentist office.

bad coke will be almost sour rather than bitter, solid hard and break into wierd sticky chunky shit you can't just pulverize into a fine powder with some ease, and the numbing effect may last a very short amount of time.


Well-Known Member
i know its fucking expensive
but drugs in oz are fucking expensive ,thats why its not habit forming 4 me cause i cant afford it
but my wife wont touch anything else so every now and again i lash out and buy 1 little piss weak gram of coke
e 25-50
weed 20-30 gram
speed 20-35 a point
oxy 15 a 20mg tablet
lsd 20 a trip
h dont know to scared of that shit
ice 200 a gram
yeah weed is about the only affordable drug here
paying 200-400 an oz