Tell me anything but burn and start over


Well-Known Member
I had this mold issue at a past location. Changed spots, bleached down all materials and pots. Yet this same exact strain of some kind of mild has popped up again. I brought some clones over that I thought wasn’t exposed to the spores but now I know I am wrong. I finished a harvest from the previous location with no sign of mold but now it has popped up on a couple dead leaves that was left on the coco. Kill this new harvest batch or his make it unfavorable for mold and finish it out. 8F300069-DF42-48DA-8C90-392FF9898D39.jpeg
Just to clarify, the mold is on leaves that fell off, but not on the plant itself?
They're exposed to mold spores all the time, mostly they fight it off. Unless it shows up on the plants I would just keep going.
One of the most saddest plant's I've ever seen, start over and fix whatever mistakes you are making, lesson learnt hopefully for you
It’s not an actual plant it’s a piece of the plant that was cut off and found in the coco. And def could be an air issue but it’s this same strain of mold. Never white looking mold
It’s not an actual plant it’s a piece of the plant that was cut off and found in the coco. And def could be an air issue but it’s this same strain of mold. Never white looking mold
I've never seen mold like that on any plant I've ever grown its always been pm if anything. Its probably on that bc as you said it was dead in the medium you're using. Coco stays alot wetter than dirt when it comes to growing so in my opinion more air flow is needed to avoid any build ups like that. Below the canopy is as important as above when it comes to air movement. Looked like eggs to me at first lol
The mold may not be coming from the plants or the grow containers.

Are you using the same bottled nutrients or the same container of grow media as when the problem started? It's possible what ever the mold is, is following you in something that harbors the spores. Spray bottles? Grow tools...clippers, indoor shovels, gloves, cleaning rags, etc. Just a hunch...but maybe.

Looks like carpet mold, but that's a wild ass guess.
Thanks guys I added some fans and just started pulling some for harvest with nomore of those mold spores shown. At the very bottom on one plant I seen some regular white mold. I defoliated the bottom some more and added some clip fans directly for the bottom of the canopy. I’ll post some of the results wasn’t the best but the temp change gave a nice purpling to the buds