tell me if my plant is ok please?


Active Member
Hi everybody ok so i am a noobie on growing marijuana so i dont know the language so please dont reply with lots of weed language and if you do please explain yourself thankyou!

i have a plant wich i believe its an indica plant i grew it from seed idk the strain my friend just gave me a couple seeds and only one came out so its an only plant, its a week over a month old and 1ft & 8inches tall from stem probably another inch taller with the leaves. i just have a couple questions and i would love help, as much as you may give me please your opinions are ok what im doing right or wrong!

i am growing it in my closet made a little grow room for it, measures 5ft tall and 3 1/2 ft wide area is about 1 1/2 big. i never used a light bulb over 150w and the are flourecent light bulbs since seeds never used any diffrent just raised it as the plant grew. the temps stay above 80s during the day and never goes under 70s at night. i do have a fan at the very top of the grow space just circulating i fed the plant miracle grow when it was in seed untile it grew about 2inches big switched to tiger bloom once i fed that to the plant it shot up in little over a week. so sticked with that i just started feeding both miracle grow and tiger bloom dont know if its bad or not? my light cycle was 18/6 untill last night just start flowering wich i believe is 12/12 right?

ok so here are my questions now that you know a little about my plant.
First is my plant healthy and am i growing it right?
my plant has red stems why?
my plant stoped growing as well it slowed down why?
is it a male or female?
is feeding both miracle grow and tiger bloom bad?
is it to soon to start flowering? ( i do have no light coming in or out.)
how long do i keep it in flowering stage for?
thats all the questions i can think of right now sorry for all the writing this is my first plant and i have been waiting along time with patience i would hate to see it die its like famiy now :) also about how much weed would it give me thankyou!! this is the first time i use this website as well so i would like to learn as much as i can and through out my grow you guys have helped me alot thanks!

p.s i heard adding a little bit of sand on top of your soil can stop litle buts from laying eggs? is it true!?



Well-Known Member
First is my plant healthy and am i growing it right?
my plant has red stems why?
my plant stoped growing as well it slowed down why?
you have allready answered your own question.... 1. is my plant healthy? No, it has red stems and has stopped growing.....

is feeding both miracle grow and tiger bloom bad?
Yes. any MG fertalizers are bad, they lock out certain nutrients from the fertalizer line up. go and buy decent nutrients.

is it to soon to start flowering? ( i do have no light coming in or out.)
has it sexed its self? is it under 12/12?

how long do i keep it in flowering stage for?
OH, I get it NOW, you have never even read a single thing on MJ and you expect us to do everything for you?

read ANY book on marijuana and it will answer all these questions. go and do some work for yourself for once.

P.S: thike she showed you, if you even to cheap to buy a book there IS free shit on the internet.... you just have to learn that you have to do the work yourself once in a while.

Life, made easy:


Well-Known Member
dont mind the dick heads above they are just nerd raging on the interwebz cuz they are cool like that.

red stems never seemed to be a sign of unhealthy plants to me have had a few plants that had red all the way through and turned out fine, that being said it dosent mean yours are fine. what are temps, i know red stem can mean cool temps and maybe lack of light.

your way under what you need for light, ditch that flood light and go pick up a 4 pack of 26w soft white CFL for 3 bucks and rig em up 2 on top and 2 on sides.

dont worry about the MG haterz on here your fine. you probally can go with one or the other though no need to be feeding it 2 different types of fertilizer. i would say use the MG and save the FF tiger bloom for next grow as it should be a bit better and its a more expensive nutrient solution. make sure you give that plant a good flush every couple of weeks to get rid of salt buildups.

cant tell from pic what sex it is but being on 12/12 it should show within a week or so. little white hairs means female, big clusters of what look like grapes is a male.

cant tell you what yeild is going to be, but if you dont get some better lights it wont be much and the buds will take 12-16 weeks to fully develop and be fluffy as all hell.


Well-Known Member
dont mind the dick heads above they are just nerd raging on the interwebz cuz they are cool like that.
Dont mind the fact that im going to RIP APART your BS arguement here, just to show you, and the noob that you do actualy have to work to get good plants.....

red stems never seemed to be a sign of unhealthy plants to me
Red stems in marijuana are a sign of N Deficiency, and MG deficient. when the plants exert a certain hard color of red it means the Nutrients have been locked out of the plants...

See how his leaves are pale green rather than a healthy dark green? exactly....

dont worry about the MG haterz on here your fine. These are the indredients in ALL scott's brand fertalizer. 3/5 of the ingredients CAN'T be used by marijuana.....

cant tell from pic what sex it is but being on 12/12 it should show within a week or so
With a stem that streched and lanky, so few nodes and such little growth, that plant could be a weeks old.... so i would say you cant tell ANYTHING from the picture....

your way under what you need for light, ditch that flood light and go pick up a 4 pack of 26w soft white CFL for 3 bucks and rig em up 2 on top and 2 on sides.
^ Is the only good thing you posted.... but the truth of it is, that plant obviously needs more light and no one said it because he would have learned that had he read a book......

Seriously, this is a marijuana grow forum, not a let us grow marijuana for you forum. there are BOOKS and TUTORIALS for that shit.


Active Member
dont mind the dick heads above they are just nerd raging on the interwebz cuz they are cool like that.

red stems never seemed to be a sign of unhealthy plants to me have had a few plants that had red all the way through and turned out fine, that being said it dosent mean yours are fine. what are temps, i know red stem can mean cool temps and maybe lack of light.

your way under what you need for light, ditch that flood light and go pick up a 4 pack of 26w soft white CFL for 3 bucks and rig em up 2 on top and 2 on sides.

dont worry about the MG haterz on here your fine. you probally can go with one or the other though no need to be feeding it 2 different types of fertilizer. i would say use the MG and save the FF tiger bloom for next grow as it should be a bit better and its a more expensive nutrient solution. make sure you give that plant a good flush every couple of weeks to get rid of salt buildups.

cant tell from pic what sex it is but being on 12/12 it should show within a week or so. little white hairs means female, big clusters of what look like grapes is a male.

cant tell you what yeild is going to be, but if you dont get some better lights it wont be much and the buds will take 12-16 weeks to fully develop and be fluffy as all hell.

its ok i appreciate all the answers thanks.

(yes thats why i was confused lots of people said red stems were fine and some said it was bad my temps never go under 70 or over 90.)

(thanks i will that pic is actually kinda old the light bulb i had made the leafs look light green but they are actually dark green i will post recent pics up and i did put i new light bulb in its 150w and its about 2ft above the plant. should i still go get the bulbs you recommended?)

( i have never flushed the plant and ive been feeding it nutrients since seed so i guess i have to do it right about now. i heard (miracle grow) is bad to spray on leafs though also when i did, it will leave blue resent on it. so i just put it on the soil? and spray tiger bloom. but ill stick to m.g) and thank you again for all of your guys answers it was great help. but i stilll dont know if the sand does help keep bugs away?)


New Member
i guese there is a language but you can make up your own because that was how it was created; no worries:idea: