tell me if you know


I have my ladies in 3" net pots . About how big should I expect them to get ? It's week 6 and they are only 7 in tall


Well-Known Member
you should post a pic. There are many variables that go into the plants hight such as genetics and lighting, It sounds like you might need better lighting and possibly a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
3 inch pots for a 7 week old plant. you should have transplanted after about 10 days. they are most likely root bound.


Well-Known Member
Since you said you were using net pots, I assume you are hydro? size of the plant will depend on light and nutes not the size of the pot like it does in soil .... 3" net pots are great in bubblers and dwc

happy growin


Well-Known Member
well if they are only 7 in tall in 6 weeks they are seriously not well and the lights aren't the issue...and any size net pot will work nearly...I mean not the tiny tiny ones...but close...I would rethink hoe much you are feeding the plants...they should be much larger by that time..


Well-Known Member
I've found that not enough light, over/under watering and over/under nutes cause stunting along with temps being too cold. If your feeding according to directions, Ph is ok, and your not over/under watering then lighting is the last reconizable problem.. their could be others but these are the main ones.

sorry couldnt be more help

happy growin