Tell me if you think this would work.

Okay so ive planned my grow for this upcoming season. I live in Vermont so if you dont know where that is its in New England. Now i was planning on planting my plants from seed (No indoor light first) late may early June. So i was wondering if i could get some mychroazzie pro mix along with advanced nutrients Heavy harvest spring summer and fall and just let the rain do the rest for them? Or should i go every once in a while and water with Epsom salt water? I wont be able to access my grow cite everyday when it comes to September that's why i need to know this. When planted and all of summer i could go every day if needed but when September hits i cant. Please any help is much appreciated thanks!


Well-Known Member
watch the wether, if you get a dry period (+4 days) visit them with some water in your bag, Epsom salt wont hurt, some Magnesium Sulfate is always welcome ..
watch the wether, if you get a dry period (+4 days) visit them with some water in your bag, Epsom salt wont hurt, some Magnesium Sulfate is always welcome ..
Thank you man really. sooo helpful. Just tiny things is all i need and this is checked off my list! Also. Can my soil + plant be in a large plastic bag just to keep it contained or would it be better to dig a hole put my soil in the hole then put the plant in there?


Well-Known Member
Where is New England?


I know little about soil growing.
I grow a little in soil in pots outside. I water them with water from my pond and occasionally use a 25% solution of my coco nutes.

You should have good soil in VT, way better than here in CO. If you amend, or mix, it will be better.
I wouldn't use epsom salts unless needed. ???

There is stuff you can buy to add to soil so it holds water better/longer.

Again, I am not the guy to talk to about soil and outdoor.
Beware of shit advice, this site has some noobs that want to help even though they have no idea what they are doing or talking about.

If your soil is good, it could be as easy as planting the seeds and watching them grow.

if you grow 42 plants, outside with good sun and good nutes, you could end up with more pot than you want.
I have seen outdoor plants 10 feet tall. I couldn't imagine how much you would get if you had 42, 5 feet tall plants.
That could be 20-50 pounds. Way more if you have a lot of sun.

Have fun trimming.

Kid is giving me the stink eye, she wants on the computer.