Tell me what ya think

Hello, this is my first grow from bagseed sorry my camera is not the best and I couldnt get it to focus right although it did focus on some of the bud sites in the back ground, im not to sure how long they have been in flowering. There are 4 girls in there by the way. Im open to any advice you have to give, happy smokin. :mrgreen:



Active Member
They look good. But it takes a real stoner to plant there babies and just not keep track of them. LOL, kinda strange. But I think you're doing just fine..different strokes for differnt folk's..:)
Yeah the issue on the whole spacing thing was I actually planted them as a joke not expecting them to grow but one day I saw sprouts and then I was hooked. I'll be sure to space them better next thanks bro. And I'm not entirly sure what you mean Brady?


Active Member
Im pretty stoned, but I was just referring to you not knowing how long into flowering you were. I can't go a day without checking them at least 10 times and remembering how long into flowering they are. Sorry though..Sometimes I blab on this

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i know right, its like you check on the plants, return 10 minutes later, and 10 minutes after that, as if the plant will grow, flower, and cure itself in that 10 min span that you didn't watch it.
Oh I got ya bro. I have like a rough estimate of when they started because I was out of town when they flowerd but I understand were your coming from tho. I check them a shit load ha