Tell Me What You Think


Active Member
heres my setup......
i have six plants i jus planted today after germiating them
i have them in bio degratable pots for now until i put them in bigger pots
they are sitting on a heating pad
and they are under two 150W cfl bulbs
i mixed plain top soil with perlite ad watered them for the first time with water that had root stimulant in it
i have one exhaust fan pulling hot air out of the area
and a fan that keeps it at a nice temp in there....



Active Member
thx man
yea the PH is between 6.3-6.9 in all of them
how long should i wait before i give the seedlings plant food?
till they r bout 3-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
When they are about 6 inches tall u can start giving it like half of wat is recomended just to say its gettin a littttttle boost


Active Member
so for now....
just water and root stimulator?
and i have a ?
i have granual feed that is 10-10-10
is this good feed?


Well-Known Member
Its a low nute but can work , im using some all natural Grow terra set at 20-20-20.
Just Keep it alive naturaly by its self with water light etc when it gets to 6 inchs about start mixing the nutes with some water at like 6.5-7.0 max on ph (urs seem alright) and ur grow should never die (unless u get bugs or over water it) light sycle is 18-6?


Active Member
where do u get high nute plant food like that?
i went to lowes and that all they had but ill look aroud

its ok to use root stimulant on them tho right?

and today is the first day so
i ran 24 but tomm im goin to run 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower


Well-Known Member
Does cycles are good , lower to 18/6 when u see the seedling coming out till then keep it as warm as u can. Try to find a high time shop or any kinda pot store were they sell papers grinders pipes bongs and they will probly have nutes and growing gear


Active Member
ok cool
o yea i planted my seedling when they already bairly just started to form the very first leaves

and 2 have already sprouted from the dirt


Well-Known Member
good start man. try to get some pics up. you plannin on expanding your lights yeah? with 6 plants your gonna need a fair array of clfs. on the upside though when you flower em, you will be able to take the lights from the inevitble males and put em on the females :), cuz thats when they will really take off and you'll need more lights for em. how big is your grow space?

Good luck with the grow man,



Well-Known Member
Nah 2 x 150 watter cfls are perfect , u can do both grow / flow i have one and know many people with 150 or 200 watt cfls


Active Member
good start man. try to get some pics up. you plannin on expanding your lights yeah? with 6 plants your gonna need a fair array of clfs. on the upside though when you flower em, you will be able to take the lights from the inevitble males and put em on the females :), cuz thats when they will really take off and you'll need more lights for em. how big is your grow space?

Good luck with the grow man,

thx man
im starting the 18/6 cycle today
4-5 of the eight plants have already sprouted....and i planted yesterday
my lights are 2 150W cfl's
but later on down the line...ill prolly pick up either more cfl's or a MH for veg
and HPS for flower
i think my root stimulant is helping these seedlings alot
my growspace is big but i only have them in a section
with two cfl's with tin foil aroud the lights
all my plants are on a heating pad as well
temp stays bout 75-82 in the day and 70-75 at night

since my seeds sprouted so fast....i think they may be Big Bud but not sure
i just got them from some weed n germinated 60 of them
till there roots were about 1-2 inches then planted