Tell Us Why You "think" You Hate Wal-Mart

I love Wal-Mart for reasons like today, when the super old "lady" checking me out, totally mega burped right before she said my total, with a straight face, didn't even say excuse me. I was literally stunned, it took me a few seconds to realize what just happened & that I needed to pay. Old people are cool.


Active Member
I took my wife to walmart on our first date. Such a pleasing enviroment, the smell of body odor in the air, corky from life goes on is at the door to greet us, and where else can I cash my unemployment check buy condoms fried chicken and the New York Times at the same place?


Well-Known Member
I took my wife to walmart on our first date. Such a pleasing enviroment, the smell of body odor in the air, corky from life goes on is at the door to greet us, and where else can I cash my unemployment check buy condoms fried chicken and the New York Times at the same place?
This honestly sounds like a story from experience. For sure. That is too fucking funny.


Pickle Queen
Sears is a great place, they just put a roof on my brothers house for free, well the installers left the roof open and it rained,alot lol
So he called and bitched and his 5000$ roof is free!!! Now that;s service.
Walmart is only great for returning shit, they take everything, even stuff they never sold u lol


Active Member
"yeah, fuck all that 'fair wages' and 'safe working condition' nonsense that unions are responsible for.

i say, if my 12 year old child wants to labor for 14 hours a day in an unsafe mine, so be it. free market - fuck yeah!"

LMFOA. I mean really your old enough ( I think) to see the huge wholes in that statement right.
Again the Government sets wages. You don't like it go tell them. Wal-Mart don't have safe working Conditions? Go tell OSHA. I don't know much about unions but to me they come across as a group that forces employers to pay people more money then they think they should. Hmm lets see do I make my toys in the USA where they cost a lot to make or do I make them where it only cost 3 cents? Oh all the toys are being made overseas. Guess wal-mart will have to buy them from over there. BUT OMG WAIT.. Now wal-mart isn't selling items made in America. Lets blame Wal-Mart for all the problems.


Well-Known Member
Sears is a great place, they just put a roof on my brothers house for free, well the installers left the roof open and it rained,alot lol
So he called and bitched and his 5000$ roof is free!!! Now that;s service.
Walmart is only great for returning shit, they take everything, even stuff they never sold u lol
All of their returns get sorted,,,,some are put right back on the shelf. If their are no visable defects everything else gets shipped back to distribution then sold en masse to clearing houses. Who in turn re-retail it LOL.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
There are so many reasons to hate walmart... so many.

First off they create ghost towns all across small-town America. Walmart will move into a small town, which drives every other independent business out of town. Then when the walmart store doesn't turn enough profit, they close the store. Now we have a town with no stores. How would you like to drive 50 miles to get a gallon of milk?

Even if the store doesn't close down, Walmart still wrecks havoc on local economies. The former business owners that were put out of business by walmart would of spent the majority of their income in their local communities. Their high paying jobs are replaced with minimum wage jobs. The difference in money is then shipped to Walmart HQ to pay their bills or whatever, and taken out of the local community.

Due to the sheer size of walmart, they have crazy buying power. Their buying power allows them to bully companies into selling products to Walmart too cheap. Walmart builds a relationships with a company, paying a fair price at first. When that company relies on Walmart's business, Walmart buyers will then beat them the hell up on the price. It becomes a catch-22 for companies that sell to Walmart: quit selling to Walmart and go out of business, or keep selling to walmart and go out of business because you aren't making enough profit per unit. Walmart has been one of the leading factors in several companies going belly up.

Then there's always the accusation of being sexist, the poor working conditions of warehouse workers, the near lack of health insurance, etc.

A better question is 'how can you not hate Walmart?'