Tell Your Funniest Shroom/Lsd/Acid Trips HERE


Well-Known Member
It was fucking scary as hell. His face was all distorted with phosphenes and shit, and I kept seeing all his negative energy just coming at me, trying to envelope me. I think being raped on acid would be the fucking scariest thing that could happen to someone. People around me were like, damn! the asshole was out cold. served him right.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
ok, so this is not a shroom or acid trip, however. one morning, about 8 or 9 am me and my good friend rolled a 3g zoot and smoked it... went back to his house and layed on his bed hehe, i tripped balls, i cant really describe it, but ill do my best, like a big camera of my life zoomed into my ear drum or something and i could feel things like trying to get through it or something, i mean i could actually feel it!, i then went to sleep and woke up at about 5pm. :bigjoint:


Active Member
to me, a zoot a spliff and a joint are all the same thing. ive heard a spliff can sometimes be half tobacco half weed...but usually now a days its all weed.


Active Member
i dunno. i smoke flavored tobacco out of a nice wood pipe. i could see how flavored tobacco and weed could go together. i would imagine it would be pretty harsh though...i dont inhale tobacco smoke.


Well-Known Member
I dunno...I remember from drugs&behavior class that tobacco cigarettes are used as both a stimulant and a depressent-stimulant when one takes many short puffs, a depressent when one takes long slow draws, hold them in and let's em out slowly, much like when smoking weed. So I guess I can see how they might work well together, except I like to take small hits and am not able to hold them in for very long cuz it makes me cough and choke...probably wouldn't be much fun for me. fucks up the high when I smoke cigarettes afterwards or simultaneously.


Well-Known Member
I don't hold in tobacco smoke. but I moderate size drags. I somtimes do like to roll up some ganj with tobacco, its nice. plus I don't have to smoke a cig after the weed (like I normally like to) because it all happens at once!


Active Member
this is my room in my house where my friends and i like to chill out. tripping balls in there gives very interesting visuals. you can only see two of the walls but the whole room is covered in about 2,500 mountain dew cans