How did come off such a high amount? Cold turkey? I hear the withdrawal from benzos is worse than heroin.
couple theories on this .... Benzos are very addictive when taken in WHATEVER amounts for a long period of time ....
I can relate to the experience of sonar of taking up to 13 mgs of xanax or 180mgs of valium.
I'm now prescribed/addicted to benzos due to panic attacks. i only take .5 mgs 4 times a day and can honestly say i experience more of a buzz with the lower doses than when i was swallowing handfulls at a time.
Back to the withdrawl thing .....I'm sure most younger folks are doing the same thing with swallowing handfulls of benzos, some maybe on a daily basis ...but for the most part i doubt anyone can keep up a 20 pill benzo habit for... Having said that ....
the people popping handfulls are probably experiencing very little withdrawl symptoms due to the fact that they are taking such a high amount, that the drug (as anyone who eats benzos can tell ya) is in your system literally for days after you've ingested it ...and ...most of the times the effects are still present (even though the user may beg to differ)... in these circumstances i would withdrawl with mild insomnia but mostly with intense rage for a few days after the drug was stopped. What i'm trying to say is ... someone who isn't taking benzos for longer than a few months will more than likely not experience REAL benzo withdrawl ...which is HELL...
The problem with benzos is ...the real withdrawl doesn't kick in until about a week after the last dose.. and factually, you never really go back to normal once it's stopped. Not to mention the fact that the withdrawl last forever AND can be fatal if you're one of the luck that are mixing pills or taking obscene amounts like 100 mg of diazepam or 6 mgs of xanax a day....
i'm not sure what info i've provided since i just finished my bowl of Skywalker and i feel i've gone off track soo ....
a story on how fucking stupid lorazepam can make you
took 9 mgs of lorazepam/ativan before going out with a friend.
...he picked me up about an hour later
....we started driving for literally 5 minutes.
I turned to him and said," i 'm pretty fucked up, i can't remember where we went tonight, What do you want to get into tomorrow?"
..he reminded me "you just got in the car 5 minutes ago"
sounds funny but ....pretty pathetic way of being high.