TEMP/HUMIDITY/CO2 at optimum levels for under $1000!

Is this all Legit?

  • You are stupid this won't work.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • This maybe could work but I'm doubtful

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This is very viable but not sure if the A/C unit is strong enough

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • This is quite reasonable but still kinda expensive

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • This is the Holy Grail of cheap sealed grow

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'm attempting to make a sealed grow that is totally controlled for the least amount of money. To me it seems cheaper and more yielding to do it this way than to waste time and money on timers/fans/ducting/carbon filters/contollers/ect. Someone please tell me if I'm wrong here but I think after 4 weeks of reading posts on this and other VALUABLE FORUMS it can be done for what I feel is very cheap...Also note I'm running air cooled hoods which I didn't factor in to the environmental control cost of <$1000. My room is 5' x 10' X 8' high.

This system will keep:

CO2 @1500ppm
Temp 68-80
humidity in check

CO2 bottle $85+$30ship http://www.rebelbrewer.com/shoppingcart/products/CO2-Tank-%2d-20-lb.html
CO2 reg/solenoid/flow meter $113+$14ship
CO2 controller/monitor $150-$300 depending on cost of base unit (TelAire8000/1 and options you choose to add (pig tail cord to solenoid/LCD screen/doorbell pwr supply
http://www.gardenscure.com/420/construction/103932-diy-wiring-telaire-co2-monitor.html (the how-to)
A/C-Dehumidifier-fan-heater $450+$50ship
http://www.sylvane.com/soleus-air-lx-140.html (best description)
http://www.savinglots.com/lotprod.asp?item=LX140 (best price)
http://www.sylvane.com/images/productpages/soleus-air/lx-140/LX140_manual.pdf (owners manual)

During the AUTO mode, the A/C unit operates at heating mode when the room temperature is below 68 F degree. It operates at dehumidifying mode when the room temperature is between 68 o F to 80 o F degree. It operates at cooling mode when the room temperature is above 80 degree.

Even more bad-ass is there is a small nipple on the dehumid tank that you could run a small hose straight back in to your hydro res tank! how slick is this? Am I missing something or is this all LEGIT?
Doing this by other means normally advertised would cost twice this amount but I think most on here are looking to do a grow on a shoe-string budget. For those who want a quality growing environment that produce optimum yields in a short amount of time I think this is the way! Anyone have any input please?