temp ranges?


Active Member
whats the max cold side I can go in F? Having a hard time keeping my uninsulated grow room warm enough at night.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want a temp change of more then 30 degrees. But that doesn't mean marijuana can't survive lower temp is that what you were asking? Or did you want the temp range of a grow room?


Well-Known Member
My grow room drops to mid sixties during the evening and everything is going quite well. Your humidity level can go up in the evening but I wouldn't worry about that unless you have problems with mold.


Active Member
I guess what I am asking is....how cold is too cold? Lowest Ive seen my gauge dip is about 45 degrees with the heater blowing right on the plants. My 400W HPS is on the way..Will that help warm my grow room any appreciable amount? I think I am losing heat through the ceiling and hope I can close that off this afternoon to keep the warm air in tighter. Any help or thoughts would be great, Thank you


Well-Known Member
DAAAAMN SHE IS HOT.. I never really looked at that avatar... I thought it was just a jumble of shit.

And here it's a hott girl... mmm haha


Well-Known Member
WTF is a BIT??? that another English (england) word????

Point is that girls lucky she aint here.... We'd be on the floor in a second... mmm ha


Active Member
Thanks bud...Thats where I seem to be first thing in the am when its really cold outside! Right now, I am about 65! Well hell, maybe the temp changes will more accurately reflect Mommy Nature and make em stronger....?


Well-Known Member
these plants dont see mother nature at these temps so you want to try to stay tropical 60+ but they are tolerant of pretty drastic temp swings. if you veg and flower in the same shed or enclosure try running one ballast at night with the ballast in the grow room. or space heater with thermostat is good.


Active Member
problem is that even with the daggum space heater...i cant seem to keep the temp up where i would like it...going to work on enclosing the area more instead of heating the entire room.. let ya know
my temp here in cali get 105-110 so my grow room get hella hot how can i cool it off if all the air outside is super hot?
nhb r BB