

Well-Known Member
okay i want to start growing ri. na. but i live in desert temp.s reach up to 110' 120' would my plant live? kiss-ass
Wow, good question... not exactly ideal temps- they will definitely survive (I've met someone who used to grow in the desert)... will it be any cooler in the fall? You could potentially end up with loose, airy buds if the temps don't moderate a bit during the flowering cycle... either way, they will survive, yes, though I can't imagine how much water you would have to give them! I would water with the coldest water you have available early in the mornings, as well- cold roots help balance out hot canopies. Good luck!
One more thing... this is contrary to the usual thinking, but I'd consider planting them so that they get some afternoon shade, if possible- at least dappled sunlight.
oh i see thanks i had some growing but da heat came all of a sudden n got fried lol but i want to start again but it gets realy hot out here
Go for it... if nothing else, you know that you get plenty of sunlight :) And you won't have to worry about bud rot, which is my own personal nemesis here in the N.E. Just keep them watered plenty and I think they'll be ok... also you know that you can't go directly outside into full sun with seeds started inside, yes? (Even in a window?) They need to be "hardened off"... I would just plant them directly outside. Good luck!
y dont u just grow inside? then u could control the temp with an AC or swamp cooler and have a way healthier plant

Lol sometimes that's a bit of a leap for some people! Probably not a bad idea in the desert, but beginners often like to start out of doors, as I myself once did... for most of us not living in extreme conditions, it's much "easier" and less of a commitment.... just my two cents here.

how is outdoor growing less of a commitment? its just cheaper with the technology we have nowadays growing indoors is simple as long as u know what ur doing..shit i think its easier cuz u can control everything indoors..just my two cents
well thanks for all da input i like better grow both ways but indooors gets a lil expensive especillay with da electric bill n out side is jus. as good as in side jus. dooin it oh nat-ural lol