Temperature-How low can yah go?


Active Member
I have 7 plants that are about 4-5 weeks into flower and I see that its going to hit 38 degrees in a few nights Are my plants going to be able to handle it? p.s.Those pictures are a week old :peace: THERE ALOT BIGGER NOW......thanks to roll it up.


Active Member
Can take a couple light frosts - like down to 28 or so. Some will even tolerate more. Once you get into the killing frost zone all bets are off though...


Active Member
one year we had a freak snow storm at the end of september, the ambient temp was 26 for two days and then warmed up to 62 on the third day and all the snow melted right away we were sure we lost it all because it was bitter cold at the first but when we hiked in to look we only lost about a quarter of our girls, another quarter were frost burnt but alive and the rest were discolored but otherwise fine. the slower flowering ones took it a little worse, but i cant say that is some kinda rule, just an obsevation.


Active Member
one year we had a freak snow storm at the end of september, the ambient temp was 26 for two days and then warmed up to 62 on the third day and all the snow melted right away we were sure we lost it all because it was bitter cold at the first but when we hiked in to look we only lost about a quarter of our girls, another quarter were frost burnt but alive and the rest were discolored but otherwise fine. the slower flowering ones took it a little worse, but i cant say that is some kinda rule, just an obsevation.

Looks like I have a few weeks left then.