Temperature normal, humidity low.


The temperature in my 4X8 sun hut tent is about 80 degrees but the humidity is only about 22%. My plants are about 1 month old and i just switched them under a 400 watt Metal Halide light with a colling hood. I heard its good to have your humidity at about 50% but is it bad that mine is only around 20% and if so how do i raise and lower the humidity? I also have an air conditioner window unit on outside the tent as well set at 65 degrees.


Well-Known Member
get a few hand towels, dampen them with warm water, ring them out just small bit and either hang them in your tent or drap them over the sides of your bucket, should help bring humidity up, or u can go get a humidifier, they are pretty cheap, could put it outside the box and it would bring the ambient humidity up which would go into the box thru the air intake


Active Member
If you can fit a 5 gal bucket in your grow tent... fill it up with water and put it in there... will easily raise the humidity in the tent. I have a 50 gal trash can that I use for my watering all my plants, when the can is empty humidity in the room drops 10% easily overnight.


Active Member
The temperature in my 4X8 sun hut tent is about 80 degrees but the humidity is only about 22%. My plants are about 1 month old and i just switched them under a 400 watt Metal Halide light with a colling hood. I heard its good to have your humidity at about 50% but is it bad that mine is only around 20% and if so how do i raise and lower the humidity? I also have an air conditioner window unit on outside the tent as well set at 65 degrees.
you are my hero

don't change a thing

i've read a bunch of crap about rh and its effects on your plants, but i've seen my flower room at 25-26 for days or a week and 55-60 for days at a time or a week - no noticeable difference in bud production

i water more often in low humidity - surprise

but i've never heard of ANYONE getting PM with your conditions

i like it -- as long as your leaves are nice and flat and seeking the ligh, i wouldn't worry about it at all

in fact, lowering the humidity and placing a fan directly in front of a plant are tricks that i've found both heavily increase thc production, even speeding flowering times by several days, at least

combine those with dropping your daytime to 11-11 1/2 hours a day your last week or and/or 24 hours of pure darkness...

the last plant i cut was not watered for 3 days THEN went in the closet for about 32 hours just before being cut - i can't tell you how hard those buds pushed and the colors in the thc were... well, interesting.

w/e - watch your plants - if they're happy, you're doing a GREAT job