Temperature problem


Active Member
just upgraded to 600 watt from a 400, last night i installed it woke up this monring went to go check on my plants and the purple jems in the middle was completely drooped the light had burnt the top to fuck but all the leaves were moist, harvested it and put the light up another ten inches but ive got my WW and cali dreams left in there about a week to 2 weeks till thier done the temps are currently 31'c this gonna damage them ?
i didnt realise 600 were so much hotter feels like a sauner when i walk down into the basement
+ rep for help or similar problems


Active Member
That's hotter than ideal, but you can finish up under those temps. Your plants are going to need water more often and you need to make sure not to burn the colas. The heat stress could stress them into showing bananas so keep an eye out.


Active Member
should i raise the light few more notches? will it realy affect them this late in flowering if the light is higher than usual? say 30" away


Active Member
Mine gets pretty hot during the summer. Close to 100F or 37C. I use CO2 and that helps. Put your hand at the top of the plant and hold it there. If it's too hot for your hand to stay there then it's to hot for your plants.
What kind of reflector are you using? An air cooled reflector can go a long way with temps. Be sure to use some INSULATED ducting if you decide to go this route. Have it on it's own intake and exhaust port separate from the grow room.


Active Member
I would raise the light if you can. You will lose some light intensity, but it is better to lose that than to burn the plants.


Active Member
shit i remember yestarday the hairs on my girls were about 30% browned off now they are about 70% the heat caused this ?
I cant check trichs, waiting on a scope


Well-Known Member
what height are you from the very top of the colas (closest one).....how far is the canopy from the light?

what is the temp/humidity of both the canopy and ambient?


Active Member
the tallest plant white widow is 40cm from the light, the temperature from the same hight the plants are at but to the side of the growroom ( so not under direct light) is 31'c -32c whem my hand is same height as plants it just feel warm to hot but i think its ok, the whole room just feels realy hot tho, wen i walk down the stairs the hot air hits me


Active Member
in honest i am just using two pcs fans doubled up for the outtake and same for intake, but going to pick up some 230v mains axial fans dunno wether to get the 11w or 22w, 13w got 28cfm 2700rpm and to 22w got 80cfm 2650rpm which one should i go for?


Well-Known Member
shit dude, just stick yer 400 back in for the last 2 weeks then sort your ventilation for your next project. the heat your describing will more than offset the benefits of the greater intensity. i mean its only 1 or 2 weeks 200w extra light aint gonna be that dramatic anyhow but the heat could feck u up bigtime


Active Member
cant im using the 400 with a MH for my veg room damnit, ( got a rotation going) taking trip to local store with my old man tomarrow should be able to fix it, also i just found out the timer has broken it didnt turn of at 12 like it was set too i think this is what might have started all this ( could have got any thing from 24-72 hours light) fuck, so a new timer is needed aswell


Active Member
lol bought one of those this morning, ive installed another fan, temps still at 31 - 33c, going to move the ballasts to the room above at lights out tonight, do you think this could be causing the heat issue as the intake are taking air in from the cellar room ( same room the ballasts are in )


Well-Known Member
the advice is to have your ballast out of the grow area to keep the heat down. but in sayin that i removed mine during the hot spell last month and it didnt make a biggie, wasnt really worth it for me


Active Member
i got a 400w and 600 ballasts, thier about a metre away from the grow box ( half the room) and i feel the heat off them as i walk down the stairs, bought sum kettle leads aswell so going to exten the wires and have them upstairs, hopefully it will cool down, also i think ive seen a loss of yeild in the remaining plants now as thier browning off but look like they would have 2 weeks left to fill their stalkss between nodes, lot of popcorn buds damnit