Temperature Problems and VEG State need a little help thanks.


Hi everyoneWell i am pleased to say that my plants Blueberry Cheese & Cheese are all growing what i think is fast they are all bushy and overlapping each other i had 16 plants 6 cheese x 10 blue cheese in the following conditions.Growing in canna cocoHumididty 35% - 40% goes to like 70% of a night (i have a humidifer)cycle 18/62 x 600w hps (today have got a 3rd)temp usually 29 C - 32.2 CelciusRunning RVK 8" bringing in 750m3Running Acoustic 8" tornado 1000m3 Out with rhino filterLight Height 2ft above topsusing canna A & B Nutes 40ml per 10Litregrowing in 10 Litre potsOk what i have done is because they were all squashed together under 2 600w hps lights i have got a 3rd and put them 5 under a light and 6 under the 3rd light = 16 to give them more space and better light for each plant as they were all overlapping and needed it.as you can all imagine adding another light increases temps again. it won't drop below 31.4 Degrees C and is currently 20:14 UK and is cold outside this is a loft grow.i have 4 x 6" Clip on fans blowing on them all & 1 oscilating fan on them also.any suggestions on bringing the temperature down my lights are currently running from 0600 = 0000(midnight) as i didn't fancy them running when people are asleep.I am on a very tight budget and have spent nearly £2000 and don't fancy spending much more as cant afford it.251208_147759115370244_910863748_n.jpg251273_147760148703474_371590892_n.jpg397292_147759405370215_1410052995_n.jpg425944_147760332036789_2140484788_n.jpg427968_147759282036894_981045796_n.jpg431770_147760752036747_968174208_n.jpg525798_147759545370201_466268129_n.jpgaaaaa.jpg____________________ another problem i have is i can't get my head round when to switch to 12/12i bought the seeds on 17/09/12 they germinated within 48 hoursplanted in seedling tray on 19/09/12 they broke through soil and on1st 2 leaves were on 22/09/12 left under cfl for 3 days25/09/12 put under 600w hps and have been 15 daysI have been told to veg for 3 weeks and then switch to 12/12 for 8 but when should i start the 3 weeks the 17/09 or the 25/09 when i put under the 600wthey are 23 days old from seed / 20 days from 1st 2 leaves / 15 days from 600w start?i just don't know were to go from as you can see i am new to growing i must say they are about 12" tall with thick stem and are not showing there pre-flowers yet but lots of side growth....i will take a photo now so you can see.Please if anybody can help it will be great as i dont want to damage them or switch them too soon...Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
get a cheap ac and rig it to a thermostat..

or get a booster fan that exhausts from the room to another room and rig it to a humidistat.

have your exhaust for the lights suck air outta the room, push air through lights, and vent it outside.


Active Member
use air cooled reflectors, then ur temps will be alright... look up lst low stress traing, that could sort space out... i would fower at 12 to 18 inches or half the height u want it to eventually end up as. peace


Active Member
they look abit small to flower now seemings as you spent all that money ul want a better return, id say 18 inches then flower . goodluck bro i recon ul have alot of weed ..


Cheers guys appreciate your help. give it another week i will then flick?

i know by raising the lights will reduce temps and also lumens, but the plant may stretch a little would that be ok for the next week just to bring temps down as just checked again it is 32.2 C which is like 90 f


Well-Known Member
you best start getting in there with a giant piece of cardboard and start fanning those queens before they stretch :o


lol, i think i will be tired fanning them on 18/6 with a piece of cardboard haha.

they are 10" and like 48 hours ago they were like 8" growing rapidly i heard 30c they thrive and metabolism increases and thats why they do it but i also heard if i add co2 to the room they can cope with the additional heat as they can transpire a lot easier with co2 and temps are safe to go up to no more than 35c / 95f

Any suggestions i just have hit a brick wall and dont want to lose yield?
thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
as i stated above, if you can maintain 1500ppm constantly then you can go to 90, i wouldnt recommend going above 93 though, thats crazy. also depending on where you live co2 levels can be higher allowing for a little higher temps, but at 90 with low co2 your just hurting your babies.


Thanks Silicity, what would i need to do to measure ppm and can i just get a co2 canister and get like 6 metres of airline and put it all over the grow room with holes in it?

thanks mate great help.


Active Member
like he said, unless u invest in additional co2. get air cooled reflectors i swear temps are way easier controlled then. U can still yeild alright at ur temps, years ago they used to think the hotter the more resin and well those grows had alright yeild, lower temps more dense the buds will be, 22c to 28c ..


thanks mate, i think co2 is probably best way to go air cooled reflectors are like £100 each which i just havent got
a co2 canister is like £20 get that loads of air line and put holes in it and turn it on that should do the trick to help deal with the heat issue,

Next grow will be air cooled reflectors without a doubt.


Well-Known Member
after 2000ppm the co2 is detrimental to your yield, you also have no way of regulating it so it'd be fluctuating constantly and unless your room is completely sealed most of your co2 will dissapear to never ever land. co2 is expensive to have it monitored and kept constant, also you'll be spending alot on wasted co2 if its not sealed.

As i stated earlier your best bet is to get a smaller ac and amthermostat to help regulate it better.


Active Member
lol like he said again, i recon u get ebay cooltubes, probably get all 3 for 120 and not use the extra noise and electric a ac will make. Cooltube will help ur plants aswell, as closer means more intense = more lumens = more buds, just a thought.