temperature reduce flowering?


Can the temperature within my grow room,stunt the growth of my buds? or do any harm...

my plants look perfectly fine right now, but just curious. because I doubt the heat within the room is getting up to 80s maybe 75 and 60-65 during lights off.

let me know.



could even be 50 degrees in there and 60 when the lights are on...I know I have sativas and they take awhile, but I am just curious


In MY experience, day and night temp differential shouldnt be more than 15 degrees. Each strain is different, but nothing will die but colder temp(65 and below at night) definitely slow growth and you should also keep an eye on your h20 temp. These ladies like it warm! cheap and safe programmable space heaters are available at Lowes, etc.


Yea I have one of those in there, the plants are huge, and getting better the buds are just not getting as big as I thought they would as fast.


Well-Known Member
yes it will. bring down the temp to 26c or get soft ugly buds.
did you not even read what the poor dude wrote, for fucks sake people...... anyways man, if your plants are huge i am assuming they are ALSO tall, therefore your main production of buds will be towards the top, with smaller ones making way to the bottom of the plant. train the plants so they stay lower and try and make your canopy as even as possible and have your light as close as you can to your plants. i would say that if you are growing inside and enclosed area with lights, it is good practice to LST or supercrop, or even scrog to be able to maximize your light efficiencey since the tops would all be at a set height. . . . . .. 10-15 degree flux with temps between night and day. digital space heaters are nice, set it and forget it......but always be remembering how much your fuckin elec bill is gunna be higher cuz of the heater lol, i am assuming you have hps or something of that magnitude .....


Well-Known Member
i run mine at 64-65f at night and 85-90 during lights on. after about 55 f you will see slow if any growth and your yield will suffer.in a nutshell, keep em at 65f at night and 78 f during lights on and you will be rockin.


See my plants are doing fine, maybe ill go and get a bigger heater or one of those thermostats that measures a starting temp and then when the temp drops it'll tell me that too. This is the 7th week of flowering and the buds are still small and forming so I was just wondering if that was do to the teemp. But other than that nutes are good,ph is good, hps lighting is good. I might have the light switch to 6 on 18 off or something because these strains are giving me problems. Ill see what I can do to deff get the heat upto the 80s and 60s during the night