Temporary Generator for mid-large home grow


I recently moved into a new basement grow space with a bad case of unreliable electricity. I’m currently running 6 tents at just about 750w/each. 2 per circuit on 3 20 amp breakers. I want to have 3 tents/circuit, 1 in veg, 2 flowering opposite each other on a 3 month cycle. Following that storm that just finished up on the east coast, I am pretty nervous worrying about extended power outs. I have 1 flowering and another 2 that need to be flipped pretty much last week.
I have arrangements for a Generac installed on an emergency switch in the property, but that can’t happen until the ground thaws, so the rest of the snowy season is going to have to receive it’s emergency power via portable generator.
I was originally hoping to get a dual fuel 8000w generator with 4 20 amp 120v outlets and run extension cords to my flowering lamps if the power went down and be done with it.
Then I started doing the research, and I got concerned thinking about loss on those extension cords and potential damage to the hardware. There is no way I can get power to my tents without extension cords. What potential risks am I taking by trying to run lamps with a little voltage loss? I also considered having the damn thing plugged in by it’s 30amp outlet directly to the house, but with only 30 amps being fed to the system and all of my growing circuits being 20’s, I feel like the extra money on the work might be better off going with a pair(Or trio) of smaller generators extension corded and dedicated to a tent group, especially with the electrical work only being temporarily useful. Still though, if the tents come up ruined I’m gonna lose a bit more than the cost of a plug for the generator.
I would suggest setting up the generac on a temporary panel board and run your cords. Then you can make it permanent later and not have to buy everything again. Voltage drop will be minimal if you use quality cords and your not running hundreds of feet. Bigger wire=less voltage drop.
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I'll second the Honda. Had a buddy live in. 14x24 building for over 2 years, is2000 was his only power. The generator ran for 18 months straight. It finally went down, and he bought another. Rebuilt the first once, tethered them together, and kept on trucking. So quiet, you can put it on the ground in between you and your buddy and won't even have to raise your voice to speak. Another buddy powered his 40' houseboat with an is2000. You can't go wrong with Honda.
Thanks guys, I appreciate all the input.
- I looked into having the cable installed to plug the portable into the main box, but it turned out the best it could do for the house would be 30 amps. With 20’s for all my lamp circuits, I couldn’t use it. we’re going so have to do 2x 50’ 12/3’s and 1x 75’ for the extension cords and go direct. I’m pretty comfortable it shouldn’t dip.
I also really liked the idea of temporarily putting the Generac up, but I’m not the one running the show on that project and would rather not try to butt in now that the proper contractors have been contacted.
Almost starting to get excited about snow storms once the generator arrives. Definitely not gonna regret that sentiment.