Temporary Grow Room +one new room pic


Well-Known Member
Ok, well we all know that if we really want to have shit organized and well working you need to upgrade... My previous shit will a little scatter wired and grown soil...

I remember my first grow room, 2 foot square room area with 6 incandescent bulbs that was before I knew anything... I call those the Old school style for me at least haha...

So, we all know that if we want to upgrade our rooms we have really 2 choices... One, stop production until the new room is up... OR make a temporary room until the main room is down... This is what I have done... I can't be a leading seller and then stop for 2 months because I decided to go crazy on a new room (that's about to more than triple my sales haha).


I've mentioned this a few times now... and well here it is...

The entrance of the hidden lair haha

There's an old black shirt up.. There was light seeping through the bottom and left hand side of door.... The top has light too but you can't see it while standing...

Now you can see this space is rather small so I couldn't exactly fit my hydro system in here. I went back old school with a few secrets I learned years ago. I wont tell them haha... Uh the holders are just plastic cups nothing fancy there... Special soil mix along with some other wonderful stuff in there lol.. uh you can see I lucked out by having an electrical box in here.. Which make me really wonder what this area was to be used for.. there is one vent at both ends but none from the heater or anything else... it makes me wonder haha

They start at such a young age.... This is 2 days after planting all 8 seeds.. This one wants to be a little speedy I guess haha.

Now some may laughing.. Go for it. Fact is this shit works if you know some secrets that I do :-D lol have funn


P.S.: For being such a good audience I have taken a picture for yall of the new grow room....

As you can see the MATTE white painting is done haha... um the selves are in I know Mogie will enthusiastic with this project so here ya go haha.



Well-Known Member
You have been busy. When done you are going to have a killer grow area. Awesome! (By the way you are way ahead of me on my new grow area...now fair you didn't wait...LOL).


Well-Known Member
Verdero, Not in the mood to brag about anything... Wasn't aware that I was...

Mogie, I'm sorry I didn't wait I had no idea you were doing a new room also... Be happy though you'll most likely be done before me... Mine probably won't be done till mid February if I'm lucky...

Soo much debt haha




Well-Known Member
Sounds like having to triple your sales is a must. Do you spend more than you make by chance? With the necessity of having to keep increasing your yields to keep up with bills will certainly lead to you getting busted. Dont make a mistake.


Well-Known Member
The one thing I would change is the light bulb. Normal bulbs burn at 350 degrees (remember easy bake ovens). Switch to compact fluorecents. Less heat more light.