

Well-Known Member
So I am doing fine keeping at 73-79 with 39-45 RH, but I have a wierd setup where I pull cold air from just next to my open window and have to run humidifier at damn near max. So what do yall do to control temps so I can get some new ideas.


Well-Known Member
I usually just turn up my intake/exhaust fans a couple notches and that usually helps. If the temp at canopy creeps up to 82-84f for a few hours, it’s usually not a problem. As long as the root zone temps are mid 70s. Putting the humidifier right by your intake could help quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
I usually just turn up my intake/exhaust fans a couple notches and that usually helps. If the temp at canopy creeps up to 82-84f for a few hours, it’s usually not a problem. As long as the root zone temps are mid 70s. Putting the humidifier right by your intake could help quite a bit.
Oh dang so like pull the humidity into the tent from the intake fan, I am gonna def try that cause humidity is hard to maintain with what I am doing.


Well-Known Member
It won’t be the end of the world if you can’t hit it. Naturally I bet you stay around 35%. Just adjust your feeding strength if you don’t. I ran many years with 35% I live in the desert and it’s near impossible to make temperature and humidity.


Well-Known Member
Just adjust your feeding strength if you don’t.
Hey, GeneBanker, I have similar problems with humidity. My set up, unfortunately, doesn't allow to use humidifier. What do you mean saying to "adjust feeding strength"? To use less nutes and to water more frequently?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what type of exhaust you are using but my exhaust fan can be slowed
down or sped up to help stabilize temp and humidity. If you want to increase humidity
you can install a mister in your grow area and put a timer on it to come off and on as
needed a real fine mist coming on for 3 to five min at 15 or 30 min intervals works
wonders just make sure you have good air circulation so you don't have to worry about
mold with stale humid air I do this in my flower room and it works great.