Ten foot cages for my HUGE 100 gallon trees !! First attempt at trees going GREAT !!!


Men you are GOD !!!!! very nice job,did you use FLORA NOVA for your babys? how about cuting the leavs of so more light for the lower buds? what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Men you are GOD !!!!! very nice job,did you use FLORA NOVA for your babys? how about cuting the leavs of so more light for the lower buds? what do you think?

Thanks =) Used Advanced a few times, Fish emulsion a couple times, Maxigrow once, Floramato another time and teas a few more times. Good soil helped too. I pulled lots of the branches over to let more light in. As they get into bloom I will cut leaves. 3 weeks in I'll trim a lot of them off. Plants dont use the big sun leaves all that much after 3 weeks in. Atleast not indoors.


Well-Known Member
Holy Sheeit man! Good job on those puppies! I hope you get some AMAZING huge ass buds from those! I know you will! Great job, WTB 1 of those plants lol.


Well-Known Member
your going to have some absolute monster fucking buds on those ladies before long. Buds as big round as your head and longer than your leg! ;)

nice, I can't wait to see these babies about two or three weeks before they're ready. I'm subD to this one.

peace. Good luck man! Hope they all make it!


Do you think I suold start to cut leaves off from my girls? They are in flowering for the pass 2-3 weeks.Any one has anything to say about the leave cut of question?Please let me know.O!!!! I'm indoor with the girls.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I cant wait to see how they turn out. Never done plants this large before. Outdoors always has its challenges. Mold being the worst of them IMO followed closely by spidermites. I am using Silica during waterings, it is supposed to make them much less prone to mildew and mold. I am also going to use it as a foiler. Yellow bottle Bloom has a two part you mix up that makes you plant immune to mildew and mold resitant . Works for 3-4 weeks. Works great indoors and really does last 3-4 weeks. So I will probably use it as well. If I can beat the mold and bugs I should be golden.... time will tell. Veg is the easy part really.


Active Member
+rep for the uber trees! I love that shot of you holding the stalk that thing is HUGE! I have been telling my girl we need to move to the country. She is all "Why do you want to move to the sticks?" Now i can show her this thread and then show her our power bill. That should do the trick haha!