Ten foot cages for my HUGE 100 gallon trees !! First attempt at trees going GREAT !!!


Well-Known Member
Here are my larger Blue Dream Girls. Still have a good 3+ weeks of pure Veg left and I am ramping up their feeding. All three are in 100 gallon Smart Pots. Am using 10 foot Bamboo stakes with 6 foot cross members. Plan to add a lot more 6 footers both vertically and horizontally and possibly add some netting later into bloom. Have never done trees before. I did 40 gallon pots last year but everything went to bloom VERY early and only got about 1/2 pound each on most. These are about 8 feet above the pot level and about 6 feet widemaybe a little more. Seem to be growing about a foot a week.
Any advise is appreciated and comments welcome.

Here is my thread with full details if you want more along with a poll on the lbs they will yield.

Here they are on 6/12 a few weeks after being put outdoors.

Again on 6/26

And here they are as of today only about 4 weeks later then the first picture !!



Well-Known Member
all i can say bout that is WOW!

looks unreal - loving it - u will pull in LOADS of yield from those plants +REP


Well-Known Member
you've gotta love the smart pots. anything I grow in them gets huge. I'm not outdoors so not quite as big as those, and my pots are 7 gal, but my girls get large and in charge


Well-Known Member
you've gotta love the smart pots. anything I grow in them gets huge. I'm not outdoors so not quite as big as those, and my pots are 7 gal, but my girls get large and in charge
This is my first time using them. They were a lot easier to fill then I expected. I love how you can just fold them up when you are done too. Not to mention the price is less then regular pots for large ones anyway. I have some 45 gallon smarts and some 45 gal plastic so I am looking forward to seeing how they compare.


Well-Known Member
DAMN!!!! i can't imagine the amount those trees will give you at harvest. Really awesome :) can't wait to see how they look at harvest time.hope you will give us a peek.


Well-Known Member
Really wondering if I should try to do some kind of a scrog on them or if I should even bother. I cant even imagine how big these girls will get when the stretch during bloom........ I see lots of bamboo and string in my future .........


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, and they are already bigger then those last pics probably another 4-6 inches .... 3 more weeks of veg then the stretch in bloom..... I think my 10 foot cages are going to be too small....... =?)


Well-Known Member
Just came back up from looking at them and adding more 6 foot stakes horizontally. I am thinking maybe I should start pulling down some f the branches like an LST on a huge scale. would let a lot of light to a lot of presently shaded areas . Would like to make that entire area one huge field of colas up top. Think it might increase my yield a decent amount over letting them grow the way they are now.