tent in same room as new born baby??


Well-Known Member
as above,
i have a 1x2 1x2 x2m and use for veg at all times, on 24 hour sheduel,
i use ionic grow nutes...
my q is ?
will this affect my my new born@myh family???
you could lose your kid to the state. child endangerment, don't go there! grow at a friends house.
Yeah I mean is a shitty thing to do growing next to your kid. Family first. I know I'd worry constantly about fire and the whole thing in general and would probably take it all down myself.
Not sure it can harm your baby but it is a pretty terrible idea in my mind. Even if you are completely legal you should still always separate young children and your meds. Screams to me of an easy way to get your kid/s taken away.