Tent Maintenance


Well-Known Member
After a grow I vacuum the tent then using a spray bottle from the $1.25 store I spray a full bleach mist on the interior. I also clean the outside of the lights and fans with the bleach mist. If the fans are really dusty inside I'll remove the grates & clean the blades but I don't use a toothbrush like cleaning the car.

I have foam board in the bottom of the tent, below the liner but don't remove it/clean that area. I inspect for spiders and other dead bugs but never saw any.

What do you growers do as maintenance between grows?
Soap water bleach and a bunch of towels to wipe down the best I can.

I would use goo gone on my fan blade to bring them back to life.

Maybe check the carbon filter cover it may need the washing machine.

Net cups , lst clips clean very well in the dishwasher.
Water & bleach solution wipe down on everything and once that dries I follow it up with an alcohol wipe down.


Carbon filter covers and any specialty fabric grow bags are washed in the washer machine and then dried for the next run.
I buy bleach, hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol from the big box.

The bleach from big box is "more concentrated" and big box has 91% iopropyl alcohol. The $1.25 store versions seem diluted.
I never harvest all my plants at the same time so it goes all year long except for a couple months in the summer when I shut down. I don't let it get dirty to begin with as I clean up any spills/accidents immediately so it's always clean. When I shut down in the summer I wipe down the bottom insert and hood, wash the carbon filter cover, replace the filter material covering all of my air intakes and zip it back up. When I start back up after summer I just toss some plants in and start growing.

The airflow from three bottom vents to the top of the tent where the exhaust fan is located is all the airflow required so I don't have any oscillating or stationary fans to clean. If I did I would clean those as I always cringe when I see photos of peoples tents with fans that are so dirty that there are streams of lint/dust looking like cobwebs coming off of them.
some boat zipper grease on the zippers, spray down all surfaces with simple green and using a steam machine and towels to wipe any residue off the walls, taking apart all the fans, scrubbing the air pots and drain tray and feed reservoir/manifold system/pump, cleaning led boards, cleaning humidifier and dehumidifier
I spray my tent with a vinegar, water, and dish soap mix after the grow. Also keep it wiped down during the grow and empty the overflow saucers after feeding and watering and wipe clean. I also disassemble and clean the fans before each new grow. I only grow a couple of Auto's a year so it's not a biggy and I've yet to have any bug, mold, or other issues.
I spray my tent with a vinegar, water, and dish soap mix after the grow. Also keep it wiped down during the grow and empty the overflow saucers after feeding and watering and wipe clean. I also disassemble and clean the fans before each new grow. I only grow a couple of Auto's a year so it's not a biggy and I've yet to have any bug, mold, or other issues.

Vinegar is an excellent cleaner and mold killer.
Ammonia is also a useful chemical. Have you ever smelled that mildew smell on a towel or something?

If you soak the item in ammonia water the mildew will die. Maybe 1 cup ammonia to 1 gallon of water.

Break mine and a friends back dragging the beds out of the tent then run an ozone generator for an hour in the sealed up tent then exhaust, I do this cos I don’t like using bleach anymore in favour of peppermint soap and apple cider vinegar for spraying and wiping.