Tent Maintenance

It jams up sometimes, so I want to lube my tent zipper. I have a choice of Candle Wax, WD-40, Lard, Crayon, or AstroGlide Ultra Gentle. But I kind of need the candle wax and Astroglide for something else, I'm cutting down on saturated fats, and I need the crayon to write my Flat-earth thesis. So what I'm really asking is WD-40 ok to use on my plastic tent zipper?
I wash all of the pots and saucers in anti-bac dish soap and hot water. The tent and all the fittings gets a full dust with a brush and then a full vacuum. They everything gets a spray with anti-bac cleaner, not bleach, and wiped dry. I don't use bleach as prolonged use of it can rot stuff.

I find the trick is to keep it super clean to begin with.