Tent of Doom!!! Dual 600's 6x6x6 Multiple Strains.

No my friend has it. He uses really crappy nutes and refuses to use a ph meter or any other form of accuracy. Carries around wet weed and never has weed. lol I give him cuts and he grows them. sometimes I actually get some back. he's like my adopted special needs son. hehe He's a good kid just needs to grow up and slow down.

AHAHAHAH. I have a friend that grows like that too! He finally had his best harvest after I hounded him to improve his environmentals. He could make them even better by ducting in some cool winter air but he would rather not spend the 20 minutes and the 63 dollars. lol I only like to smoke it if I can see it first, but usually its my shit that gets smoked when we get together. Love the guy like a brother, but fawk, grow some good weed or don't bother trying, ha!
I had a friend piss in his pots cause he read on the internet that was a cheap fertilizer. I mean how stupid can you be? No water pure piss. The plants lasted a week. And i bought all his growing equipment. lol
I had a friend piss in his pots cause he read on the internet that was a cheap fertilizer. I mean how stupid can you be? No water pure piss. The plants lasted a week. And i bought all his growing equipment. lol

My dog pissed on my outdoor once, but I put some lattice around them after that.
Im sure it didnt hurt, but in a pot...yikes!
That girl who was hanging around the 6 a little while back was all about that. MrsGreen or something like that. I remember she would mention it and everyone would just kinda ignore it because she was nice and no one wanted to talk shit (or piss rather lol).

How's things in worm country today? The clones settling in?
They are looking good so far. I think the cold has them a shocked a little. A couple are starting to show some growth. I will get some pics when the lights come on.

I think my dad was trying to tell me about piss and turds being used in china as a fertilizer. Wayyyyyyyyy too organic for my taste.
They are looking good so far. I think the cold has them a shocked a little. A couple are starting to show some growth. I will get some pics when the lights come on.

I think my dad was trying to tell me about piss and turds being used in china as a fertilizer. Wayyyyyyyyy too organic for my taste.

Used all the time in the US. I guarantee some bagged composts at your local stores sell it, you just dont know ;-)


I think its the city of sanfran or some other place is getting sued because they gave it to all the community gardens, but this was composted city sludge pretty much, very high in heavy metals and lots of other nasty bad stuff... Soil and plant matter samples got scary lab results. THIS CAN BE DONE PROPERLY THOUGH.
Looks like they are settling in just fine. I have one that looks a little dizzy? I moved it to a cooler spot for observation.

Thanks for stopping in y'all!!!!

droopy fire og :-(
Fire OG
fire og.jpg
Just stumbled across this gem in the hydro area.

if you really want to you can dilute your piss :lol: 10-15 parts of water to one part of piss. Actually really good for vegging very high in nitrogen but obviously not everyone likes to do it lol. :peace:

Not joking at all man do some research and you will realise that was i said wasnt shit talking but actually factual. A number of people use urine to veg with as it is high in nitrogen and also a whole heap of other minerals good for plant growth. In future do some research before threatening someone over the internet. Calling me stupid for suggesting it has actually just shown your ignorance. Peace brah
That person is right, but there are much better sources of nitrogen for our plants. Uria is a very cheap low quality nitrogen chem in synthetic nutes, its no surprise that advanced nutrients uses it, perfect for their goal of maximum profit.
I don't think it's the same cut. Even a dope could get some fire out of this one. I'm still upset with my buddy for losing it. And your false modesty doesn't fool me. You grow some top notch gear.

EDIT: I was assuming you were refering to yourself when you mentioned the grower.
I still got a bag of banana wonders. might be able to get a pheno similar to mommy :)
So long Alvin, Thanks for the Tunes. :-(

Looks like I jumped the gun and shocked the Fire og, all but 2 have come around and looking good, so i'm sure they will be fine. I have topped all but 1 and they seem to have started some branching. Can't wait till they start bushing out.

Fire og
t 1.jpg
Blue Cheese
t 2.jpg
Fire Og
t 3.jpg
Just finished up a little topping and pruning. All but 1 plant have recovered and joined the living.

Just finished up a little topping and pruning. All but 1 plant have recovered and joined the living.


I forgot to water my clones, and saw 2 dead ones last night.
I watered them all, Actually Ill look to see if they woke up or got crunchy right now.

One lived one died..oh well i had several of that strain.