Well-Known Member
No my friend has it. He uses really crappy nutes and refuses to use a ph meter or any other form of accuracy. Carries around wet weed and never has weed. lol I give him cuts and he grows them. sometimes I actually get some back. he's like my adopted special needs son. hehe He's a good kid just needs to grow up and slow down.
AHAHAHAH. I have a friend that grows like that too! He finally had his best harvest after I hounded him to improve his environmentals. He could make them even better by ducting in some cool winter air but he would rather not spend the 20 minutes and the 63 dollars. lol I only like to smoke it if I can see it first, but usually its my shit that gets smoked when we get together. Love the guy like a brother, but fawk, grow some good weed or don't bother trying, ha!