Tent temp


Active Member
Hi guys I have reported my seedlings.. I have 3 under 600w lights and I’m finding it difficult to keep the temp under 33 degrees.. i have my big fan on full power and a small fan at the other side of the tent..
Where are you exhausting to? The same room the tent is in? If so, vent it outdoors, or at least to a different room.

What type of fan do you have? Is your lamp air-cooled? Are you getting negative air pressure with your exhaust fan running?
Pics of the setup? Hard to help without a lot more info.

Do you really need more than one light for the seedlings? You said lights...
Are the fans just circulating air or is one exhausting through ducting? And as @spek9 mentioned, is the heat ducted outside or into the room with the tent?
Hi I have my exhaust going out the window.. I have my windows open it’s getting better it’s down to 31 but my humidity is dropping
Thats the tough part about a tent. The more the exhaust runs the lower the humidity.
Just find a balance where most things are decent, and try to improve from there
Where are you exhausting to? The same room the tent is in? If so, vent it outdoors, or at least to a different room.

What type of fan do you have? Is your lamp air-cooled? Are you getting negative air pressure with your exhaust fan running?
It’s a big fan just rotating in the tent.. my lamp is not air cooled.. av got it down a bit.. I have my exhaust going out the window... how would I know if I’m getting negative air? Is that wen the tent is getting sooked in the way
Well if you aren't recirculating the heat and you are unable to reduce the heat load, by say sucking your hot air exhaust through air cooled reflectors then the only other option is to cool the intake air. So an AC unit may be in order if we can't reduce the heat load.

You have any pics of your setup so we can see if there is any available optimization?
Well if you aren't recirculating the heat and you are unable to reduce the heat load, by say sucking your hot air exhaust through air cooled reflectors then the only other option is to cool the intake air. So an AC unit may be in order if we can't reduce the heat load.

You have any pics of your setup so we can see if there is any available optimization?
Remember that passive intake area should be 2 - 2.5x the area of the exhaust. So if you have one 8 inch exhaust you need at least two 8 inch passive intakes, preferably 2.5 or the equivalent thereof as the passive intakes may be rectangular.

Just open another intake down low and see if that helps.
If more intake area isn't available and the tent is sucking in hard from negative pressure then you may need an active intake (fan) in a push pull setup.

Really would like some pics of the whole setup.
I have a controller on the exhaust.. so it’s not on full power.. and I have my both flaps up at each side with the windows open.. it’s at 30.9 degrees
If more intake area isn't available and the tent is sucking in hard from negative pressure then you may need an active intake (fan) in a push pull setup.

Really would like some pics of the whole setup.


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and or cool the intake air. If you are trying to cool the 87 degree tent with 80 degree air it's not going to work. Get the intake temps down around 65 - 70F.
ok, first off you only need one light right now. so turn one off and put all the plants under one.

second, get air cooled reflectors before you need to run both lights.
Where is the thermometer placed and what is the temp outside the tent?

Its easier to cross off the basics before guessing other shit like most trolls here :-)