Tentacles for days!


Well-Known Member
Hey Rollers. What's up.

I'm having a cbf moment. I'm thinking about buying a grow tent. Rather than piss farting about with improv builds. But, I don't know the brands. And can't be bothered spending hours trying to figure out who has what.

I'm looking to spend no more than $150 Aud. And need something 40 - 60cm width and depth. By 1.2 - 1.5m tall.
Any recommendations? Brands you can swear by. Or to stay far the fok away from?

Cheers in advance peeps.
I'd stay away from the gro cell, they are black with orange trim. It's heavy duty but a lot of light leaks coming out the zips and some of the orange trim just glows at night.Screenshot_2016-11-17-06-38-43-00.png
Yeah. I saw those. I really don't know how florescent trim is supposed to help with staying low profile.

Cheers Johnsmith
yeah its pretty annoying if u wanna run it at night, but anyways heres my suggestion its good, but the zips arent that heavy duty and will sometimes catch on bits of fabric on the inside of the tent( part of the zipper) and its pretty annoying , but its completely light tight and cheap, i prefer this over the grocell.(http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/272346354302?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT) also has no trim or emblems on the tent just a plain black box

but i thnk a better option might be the secret jardin DR range, dont quote me on that though. it seems to have a good reputation and u can buy one for ~170 aud.

depends on what size u want is all, amazon has alot of different ones to choose from also, wen u find a tent u like the look/price of then try researching that tent to see if their are any reviews on it
I've been looking at secret jardin hs range. Either the 40 or 60. I'm limited to 60cm width. And really. I only want one plant. Which I'll be mainlining to buff yields.

I'd love to have more plants and room. But, I'm not able to. And probably won't for some time.
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I've been looking at secret jardin hs range. Either the 40 or 60. I'm limited to 60cm width. And really. I only want one plant. Which I'll be mainlining to buff yields.

I'd love to have more plants and room. But, I'm not able to. And probably won't for some time.

Okay I've read a few ppl saying that the zippers arnt fully light proof and zip can get stuck on loose fabric inside of the tent on the HS series of secret jardin.

Alot like the tent that I recommended but that's too big for ya but yeah I've only tried two tents so I'm not really sure
This would be my first venture into tents if I choose it. Anything has got to be more light proof than my ductaped up cabinet.

I mean it's not the worst thing I've ever built. But. I didn't really put too much effort into it.
The light was the most thought out bit of the whole thing. And the most expensive piece.

I'm just finding that 80cm height isn't enough. Not when 40 of that goes between lights, bucket and fans. I need something that's roughly 1.2m high. Up to 1.8m.
Secret Jardin Dark Street series tends to have zipper issues and a few pinhole leaks. I haven't had or heard of those issues with their Dark Room series. Secret Jardin is the only brand I have experience with though.
This would be my first venture into tents if I choose it. Anything has got to be more light proof than my ductaped up cabinet.

I mean it's not the worst thing I've ever built. But. I didn't really put too much effort into it.
The light was the most thought out bit of the whole thing. And the most expensive piece.

I'm just finding that 80cm height isn't enough. Not when 40 of that goes between lights, bucket and fans. I need something that's roughly 1.2m high. Up to 1.8m.
Ahh I know what ya mean man, I'd go with the secret jardin unless u wanna spend half that for a cheapo ebay/amazon one I personally don't think there bad , but u do get what ya pay for most times lol
Id seen that somewhere today. Two people said their ds models had minor light leaks. I honestly don't think that minuscule amount of light would mess with 12-12 cycles too much. I mean. Plants get moonlight. Which is basically reflected sunlight.

But I think the DR series might be more my thing. As it's supposed to have a better frame. And hold more than what I'd ever use. Unlike the DS which can only hold 10kg.
Id seen that somewhere today. Two people said their ds models had minor light leaks. I honestly don't think that minuscule amount of light would mess with 12-12 cycles too much. I mean. Plants get moonlight. Which is basically reflected sunlight.

But I think the DR series might be more my thing. As it's supposed to have a better frame. And hold more than what I'd ever use. Unlike the DS which can only hold 10kg.
Probably won't mess with 12/12, but it might get annoying if u sleep in the same room as the tent, will light it up like a night light lol.http://m.ebay.com.au/itm/Hydroponic...578573?varId=570941113041&txnId=1730961480017 this is one I bought recently I haven't received it yet but it's cheap and is the same size your after Screenshot_2016-11-17-17-06-57-50.png