Tents, and Light Leaks - How bad is it?


Well-Known Member
I have a secret jardin tent, and am having problems with very small (pinhole) light leaks in random spots of the zipper. The light entering the tent during the dark period is very very miniscule

just how badly will this tiny amount of light effect my babies?

if it is that important, what is the best method for fixing these


Mr I Can Do That For Half
It all reality pin hole or 2 of light from weak outside light wont hurt at all.I do hope the secret jardin supporters see that there baby is leaking lol.I wouldnt worry about it if its just few tiny pinholes


Well-Known Member
yeah i know, i got swayed into buying it by all the crazy reviews. other than a few tiny pinholes i like it alot.

there is no way that any of the light would like, be strong enough to be seen touching any of the plants .


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Naa the pinholes wont bother it unless there are so many it lights the inside of the tent up? Keep in mind moonlight doesnt even effect outside plants so darker is better but tiny little light wont hurt


Well-Known Member
awesome man, thats what i was thinking - in terms of the moon and such.

so a few tiny beams of lite would be fine

thanks for the help fletch


Well-Known Member
the zipper should in front of the flap. the overlapping of the flap (in the inside of the tent.....thas why its such a bitch to zip up!!)...but any way the overlapping of the flap is to prevent light leaks....as long as you are zipping in front of the flap you are all gravy train.

i hope like hell you didnt buy a street version....those suck monkey balls.


Well-Known Member
Lol who ever wants to show me, i mean my local hydro has one setup and running with tomatoes in it but i want to see it being used for the good stuff, you know...hun hun the good stuff man


Well-Known Member
haha, LB this is just the kind of shit we were talking about....

Also, LB is the one who fixed the problem..but i hope my question helped you somehow (?)

not sure if i am still going to post pictures


Well-Known Member
Lol who ever wants to show me, i mean my local hydro has one setup and running with tomatoes in it but i want to see it being used for the good stuff, you know...hun hun the good stuff man
i fuck with ICmag alot too...i got a few Darkroom buddies over there ...

the pics are from icmag....THEY ARE NOT MINE!!!! mr bojangles i blv!




Well-Known Member
Thank you for the pictures Loud there fuckin sick. Oh and that last post was just some mumbo jumbo i typed, i cant even remember why but if it makes you feel better it was directed towards you :D