street lights are out, traffic signals are out, cell towers aren't working,Down to the store for beer.
Do they shut down all the businesses? Is the McDonalds drive-thru closed? What if I work the graveyard shift? How do they check if I'm out driving down the road? Do they pull everyone over and check to see why they're out and then verify the reason given? Do they have resources to do that? I don't see how they can even enforce it.
What could very likely happen is they'll find out it was some stupid kids driving around drunk with guns looking for something to shoot that would make a big bang.
you "knowing" something doesn't mean shit to me. (not trying to be antagonistic, no problem with you in general..)Everyone that actually lives here in Portland knows it was Antifa/Antifa affiliated individuals. It's no secret. It happened just down the road from my house. I can walk to the location in under ten minutes. I know what happened and who was responsible. If some people on the internet want to think otherwise they're free to do so. It changes nothing especially the facts. All I care about now is that those jerks are no longer running rampant vandalizing everything in sight any longer and nobody wants them back.
street lights are out, traffic signals are out, cell towers aren't working,
a lot of gas stations are closed...
The sheriff did say that whoever is responsible "knew exactly what they were doing to cause the damage and cause the outage that they did."
doesn't sound like drunk teenagers, or their drunk parents...
I'm sure the FBI will get to the bottom of it, there was loose talk on the internet and people know things, I figure we should know more in a week or less. Eventually who it was and what axe they had to grind will be known and indicted, they are finding out that it is a pretty unpopular move and whatever their cause was, people will make it and them suffer for this bullshit. People don't like it when their lights go out and they get pissed off at whoever did it, they will be prosecuted and sued out of existence.street lights are out, traffic signals are out, cell towers aren't working,
a lot of gas stations are closed...
The sheriff did say that whoever is responsible "knew exactly what they were doing to cause the damage and cause the outage that they did."
doesn't sound like drunk teenagers, or their drunk parents...
the "arbitrary" curfew is there to keep thieves, rapists, looters, and other assorted assholes from causing trouble. that seems like a fairly legitimate reason to impose a temporary curfew...and where the hell are you going to go?
I think at one point Caitlyn was made an “honorary Kardashian”. Wrap your head around that oxymoron!Juicy Brucy can eat shit.
that is a possibility, i don't assume for a minute this was some sort of organized thing. it could be, but at this point, till they at least get some solid leads, we're all just guessing. it might be peta, it might be maga, it might be drunk redneck assholes, it might be some mentally disturbed person who thinks the transformers are giving everyone cancer....they're all equally valid suspect to me, until the F.B.I. gets something to go on.
I was gonna reply with some disbelief until I found this.
Electrical disruptions caused by squirrels - Wikipedia
It would be worse if the squirrels could shoot at switches or transformers. In response, the big manufacturers of hunting arms design around the three-squirrel rule, that being the minimum number of organized squirrels needed to cycle the action of a hunting rifle or shotgun.
Military arms are designed around a lesser standard, since old campaigners know that sometimes the tactical margin can be two-squirrel narrow.
This was calculated..a regular person wouldn't know what to hit.. J6 2020, was the practice- they want Civil War and to shoot and bomb things.
What if it was a militia of squirrels with guns though?
Or a right wing bird ?
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gotta shoot’m first!Alabama Man.
Maybe it was for the copper?
Man electrocuted while climbing Alabama Power transformer
Lee County authorities say a man trying to steal copper wire from a power facility along Highway 280 died of electric shock Friday
No scrapping in live substations!