Terrorism in North Carolina?

Remember lack of power caused the curfew and most those businesses wouldn’t be open, especially during hours of darkness.
Down to the store for beer.

Do they shut down all the businesses? Is the McDonalds drive-thru closed? What if I work the graveyard shift? How do they check if I'm out driving down the road? Do they pull everyone over and check to see why they're out and then verify the reason given? Do they have resources to do that? I don't see how they can even enforce it.

What could very likely happen is they'll find out it was some stupid kids driving around drunk with guns looking for something to shoot that would make a big bang.
street lights are out, traffic signals are out, cell towers aren't working,
a lot of gas stations are closed...

The sheriff did say that whoever is responsible "knew exactly what they were doing to cause the damage and cause the outage that they did."
doesn't sound like drunk teenagers, or their drunk parents...
Everyone that actually lives here in Portland knows it was Antifa/Antifa affiliated individuals. It's no secret. It happened just down the road from my house. I can walk to the location in under ten minutes. I know what happened and who was responsible. If some people on the internet want to think otherwise they're free to do so. It changes nothing especially the facts. All I care about now is that those jerks are no longer running rampant vandalizing everything in sight any longer and nobody wants them back.
you "knowing" something doesn't mean shit to me. (not trying to be antagonistic, no problem with you in general..)
i have no way of knowing what you know about local goings on in Portland, and no reason to believe anything anyone tells me without some kind of proof.
antifa isn't an organization. there is no central council. you're pissed that some locals acted like assholes and made claim to membership in an organization that doesn't exist outside of people's imaginations. Antifa exists where ever people stand up to fascists, sometimes at personal risk.
annoying assholes acting like assholes doesn't make them antifa members...there is no Antifa website...there is no Antifa headquarters, they have no governing body, no bylaws, no logo....Antifa is an idea, and it will never die while fascism lives. every man and woman who died fighting the nazis and the japanese were Antifa members...every union member who has gotten their ass beaten by union breakers was an Antifa member...
lame suburban punks rioting and acting like dicks are NOT Antifa members, they're lame suburban punks.
street lights are out, traffic signals are out, cell towers aren't working,
a lot of gas stations are closed...

The sheriff did say that whoever is responsible "knew exactly what they were doing to cause the damage and cause the outage that they did."
doesn't sound like drunk teenagers, or their drunk parents...

If you were to put a number on how much reliable information I have regarding possible perpetrators that number would be less than zero. I'm thousands of miles away just speculation on possible suspects like everyone else.

Unless it happens again and they catch someone in the act it's going to be hard to determine the culprits. It's most likely something that will only be solved by someone talking. The probability of that happening increases significantly if they were local. If they were from out of the area and are already gone they will likely never get caught.
street lights are out, traffic signals are out, cell towers aren't working,
a lot of gas stations are closed...

The sheriff did say that whoever is responsible "knew exactly what they were doing to cause the damage and cause the outage that they did."
doesn't sound like drunk teenagers, or their drunk parents...
I'm sure the FBI will get to the bottom of it, there was loose talk on the internet and people know things, I figure we should know more in a week or less. Eventually who it was and what axe they had to grind will be known and indicted, they are finding out that it is a pretty unpopular move and whatever their cause was, people will make it and them suffer for this bullshit. People don't like it when their lights go out and they get pissed off at whoever did it, they will be prosecuted and sued out of existence.
the "arbitrary" curfew is there to keep thieves, rapists, looters, and other assorted assholes from causing trouble. that seems like a fairly legitimate reason to impose a temporary curfew...and where the hell are you going to go?

Because a person hellbent on thieving, raping and looting is going to say, "damn it sure looked like a good night to go looting and raping...but there's a curfew...guess I better obey and stay home".

I looked at satellite imagery, and there are only 2 ways in. One way is through a storage facilities parking lot a block away. There are even wheel marks leading through the forest to the other side. Looks easy for people to snoop around that site.

Not sure which entrance is where the broken gate in the article is, but i'm assuming its the main entrance to the address on the sign. Either way, that place is surrounded by businesses and even a couple schools across the street. The FBI is probably watching footage of the whoever did it right now.
that is a possibility, i don't assume for a minute this was some sort of organized thing. it could be, but at this point, till they at least get some solid leads, we're all just guessing. it might be peta, it might be maga, it might be drunk redneck assholes, it might be some mentally disturbed person who thinks the transformers are giving everyone cancer....they're all equally valid suspect to me, until the F.B.I. gets something to go on.

Alabama Man.

Maybe it was for the copper?:lol:

No scrapping in live substations!
Alabama Man just got tangled up.

This dude was cutting off electricity and complaints of low voltage were taken.

Substations seem a good place to screw everything up though, no matter the cause in NC.
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I was gonna reply with some disbelief until I found this.

It would be worse if the squirrels could shoot at switches or transformers. In response, the big manufacturers of hunting arms design around the three-squirrel rule, that being the minimum number of organized squirrels needed to cycle the action of a hunting rifle or shotgun.

Military arms are designed around a lesser standard, since old campaigners know that sometimes the tactical margin can be two-squirrel narrow.

This actually brings back a memory.

I was working at a steel mill in the early '90s. Steel mills have their own power generating stations.

One day the power went out in the entire plant instantly. It was a squirrel or bird (they think, only ashes were left) on a wire somehow shorted out the power station.

We were back up and running in under 30 minutes. Because squirrels or birds don't have guns to shoot up a power station, they can only run along the lines and cause a fluke once a decade or so. The power station safeguards actually did what they were designed to do. KO the power until the electrical techs can look into what happened.

If this Moore County thing happened 30 years ago, it would instantly be labeled as vandalism until proven otherwise.

But today, who knows?
Anybody who labels it antifa surely has a bias against antifa, maybe from personal experience 3000 miles away that probably shouldn't be considered as a high probability.

Far more likely a bullshit right wing militia group but I wouldn't sign off on that either without some serious proof.

Squirrels and birds are absolutely eliminated, they would be up and running in an hour without bullet holes.

Some foreign entity can't be totally ruled out, but that and antifa together surely is under a 1% chance.

I wouldn't rule out vandalism quite yet, people do some sick fucking things for reasons beyond normal people's reasoning.

I sure hope they have video evidence but somehow I doubt it.
There are terrorist books out there on line on disabling a power station. Somebody studied up on them to do this much damage, wouldn't you think?
This was calculated..a regular person wouldn't know what to hit.. J6 2020, was the practice- they want Civil War and to shoot and bomb things.

I do wish to make the observation at this time that it was two separate substations (planning) and that the Dem Governor said it was a criminal act.

NC has gone Purple under their noses; they're lashing out because of said Purplflication.