Terrorism in North Carolina?

I've had multiple feeders for more than 25yrs.,the woodland birds really count on me and I find squirrels to be a 100% pain in the ass. They will eat all the suet that I wedge into a coffee can to discourage flocks of starlings setting up shop and mount the can on a tree as I have 3 kinds of woodpeckers visit my yard. Squirrels have also destroyed feeders and dug up bulbs, I'm not big on rodents.I have counted up to almost 20 cardinals at my feeders,along with chickadees and titmice whose energetic behavior is precious.All in all I find it soothing to have so many feathered friends find my yard to be a place they can count on year round for their survival,especially when snow cover limits their ability to forage.
do you have a hummingbird nectar setup in the summer?
"Power companies in Oregon and Washington have reported physical attacks on substations using hand tools, arson, firearms and metal chains possibly in response to an online call for attacks on critical infrastructure," the memo says in part.

"Power companies in Oregon and Washington have reported physical attacks on substations using hand tools, arson, firearms and metal chains possibly in response to an online call for attacks on critical infrastructure," the memo says in part.

The F.B.I. is involved now...I would not be surprised to see whoever made that "online call for attacks..." Arrested and charged with inciting this shit, and anyone who follows them online investigated pretty thoroughly. This is the kind of shit that will draw the federal government's attention, and they will find those responsible and shut them the fuck down. I can see them making this a show trial, to get the point across to other redneck fucking morons that they do not want to do this, when you get as close to life in prison for it as the rules allow. If anyone dies because of this stupid fuckery, that's an automatic murder charge on top of everything else.
do you have a hummingbird nectar setup in the summer?
No, I tried it but ended up feeding the ants,I do have flowering plants that attract them though,purple butterfly bush,bee balm, rose of sharon, and fuscia,all in red or purple colors which hummingbirds seem to gravitate to. They are very territorial and when one male spots another it is game on and the length and tenacity of their clashes are pretty impressive for such a tiny bird.
No, I tried it but ended up feeding the ants,I do have flowering plants that attract them though,purple butterfly bush,bee balm, rose of sharon, and fuscia,all in red or purple colors which hummingbirds seem to gravitate to. They are very territorial and when one male spots another it is game on and the length and tenacity of their clashes are pretty impressive for such a tiny bird.

I never knew that, thank you..going to look them up about territory..that is so cool. I've not seen more than one at a time.
Please tell me more..I love nature and learning about the little animals around me and how I can help them survive.
most of the time the best way you can help the animals in the area is by watching them from a distance and not "helping" them...
i've watched tourists "helping' bears into being euthanized for too long. this area has become too developed, thanks to the same tourists, and there is nowhere they can relocate bears that have become aggressive from people feeding them, that they cannot walk back from in a day or two, so they have to euthanize them. i wish they'd euthanize the tourists who fed them, too.
this reads as if the wings are on the camera. Did it come back the next morning and tap on the window to be let in?

The wings are fast and it it would take me too long to figure out how to set the camera to capture in still life form. I took the pic but it's really not of value other than the memory of seeing it.
most of the time the best way you can help the animals in the area is by watching them from a distance and not "helping" them...
i've watched tourists "helping' bears into being euthanized for too long. this area has become too developed, thanks to the same tourists, and there is nowhere they can relocate bears that have become aggressive from people feeding them, that they cannot walk back from in a day or two, so they have to euthanize them. i wish they'd euthanize the tourists who fed them, too.

You're confusing me for a Yellowstone tourist..I'm not one of the morons who feels the need to get out of my car and get close to a herd of wild elk, deer etc. I sit and wait like everyone who lives here for them to pass.

I'm talking about park squirrels and hummingbirds not buffalo.