Tesla New Model Unveil...

Tesla took advantage because legacy automakers were to attached to big oil to see the future. If nothing else, Elon did that. And congrats to him for it.
Everything depends on battery technology and big improvements are coming in the next year or two with multiple players and technologies, every car company on the planet is depending on it. EVs are easier to build than ICE vehicles, with far fewer parts and almost no fluids, a body, motors, ESC (electronic speed control) and a battery are the basic components. Once the government regulates and standardizes charging stations, the next generation of EV with better batteries that charge fast, last longer and have increased range should take off.
Everything depends on battery technology and big improvements are coming in the next year or two with multiple players and technologies, every car company on the planet is depending on it. EVs are easier to build than ICE vehicles, with far fewer parts and almost no fluids, a body, motors, ESC (electronic speed control) and a battery are the basic components. Once the government regulates and standardizes charging stations, the next generation of EV with better batteries that charge fast, last longer and have increased range should take off.
Yeah they should take off......however Tesla has a 10 year head start. Best of luck
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Musk was unscathed at the trial. Cool as a cucumber. He even called the lawyer who was drilling him a very bad human being. Lol. Stocks soared after the trial and Elon comes out a winner again. No one can touch him. I love how him and Branson are BFF’s. With some luck I am hoping to be aboard the Virgin in September to get a glimpse of planet earth from the edge of space . I did get 2000 entries in... so that helps my odds . Good luck to all my competition but no one deserves it more than me.
im waiting for Cadillac or lincoln to start pushing fancy EV's.. i personally dont like the style of a tesla. at all. any of them lol. ford already smashed a home run with the lightning. competition means the consumer wins.

Yeah...those ICE vehicles should be banned :)
The laughter ends abruptly when its pointed out that nearly 9 million people die annually due to air pollution. Building an infrastructure takes time - that's lost on some. What's next, expecting to see electric tow trucks!