test grow

Thanks dam im pleased with how they have turned out thus far. Hey have plumped up quite a bit but im hoping the do a lil more plumping. I have like 1 or 2 hairs oranging on the tip on each lady
Some new pics. Things seem to be getting a little groused in my veg box, expecially since I pit my cloner in there.
I have a couple questions
If you look at my clones thee are black spots starting to show up. Anyone know what this is?
my other question is how long should it take till I can see some kind of a root coming from my clones. It has only been 3 days since I took them but there is absolutely no visible root forming at all.

Thank y'all in advance!
i have read it takes more than a week for clones to root. and do you have them in a humidity dome??? humidity should be pretty high for clones. not sure about the black spots can't see em
The black is in the center growth of my topping clone andit has started moving to the old growth so I think that my cloner isn't working or I shouldn't have put the rooting tabs I had in it
Ok so I dithed the cloned idea somethink just wasn't working and I didn't have enough room for it. I did however get to transplant a seedlinggso I now have 2 of them. I put some more seeds in to germinate so hopeflly I can get another couple started. The 4 ladies in the bloom box are bulking up nicely. My guess is that they will be ready to chop in about 2 weeks, not sure on that tho seeing this is the furthest I have been in a grow and I didn't keep track of when I put them on 12/12. I will put up some pics tonight when I get home from work.
So just a lil update. I went and bought a 250 watt ups yesterday sadly tho I don't have a cab built yet that it will fit in so a couple hours a day I will be pulling my plants out of the bloom box and set them up like in the pic. This will also help withers isn't such an electricity jump in one month. Hopefully I can get a new box built in the next couple weeks. The other pic is of my beautiful OG bony, by far the best bony I have ever had. Hope y'all enjoy. There are also 2 recent pics of my short flowering ladies.
Sorry about the wrong words in that last post my android likes to switch words it doesn't like to diff words that's how I got 250w ups instead of hps and bony instead of bong. Sorry for any confussion
Alright guys little update. I will be making a new thread soon, hopefully tonight, for these new babies. I figure this test grow is almost over and the boring part to the new plants has passed. I will be building myself an actual bloom box with a screen and all for my 250 hps this weekend.

Here are some pics and descriptions to entice people to my new grow when I get it posted

Pics 1&3 are the same plant but it is my only seed I will have in my new grow. I topped it the other night and will probably will be putting it into darkness soon so I can see if its goin to be male or female

Pics 2&5 are of 2 clones I have got to take root in some peat pellets then transferred to slightly larger pots with mg moisture controll, this soil has gone well for testing so far. The lady in pic 5 got topped this morning.

Pic 4 is of my whole veg box as of right now. The 2 ladies in blue buckets are getting large and have been twist tied down alot. There just about to big for the box. If you look close you will see a container on the right. This is my clone tub, use to be a sidewalk chalk bucket but it is working perfect for my clones.

Hope everyones having a good high flying day
Sorry for no new thread yet been busy building my new box. I went to good will today anfound a dehumidafire for $6. Ima plug it up after work to make sure it works. Huge update tomorrow with lots of new box pics and party cup bud porn. I might be able to chop them this week!
Nice looking grow. Is it your first? didnt read all of it. Hows that 250 working in that little space, Heat problems at all???
This is my first successful grow the other 2 didn't make it all the way thru. I don't have my 250 in a closet yet im just about finished buildin it, should have pics up shortly
Alright ladies and gentleman I kno I keep saying im going to do an update but this time I mean it. I have alot of pics since last update. I got my new box operating but still have a small heat issue I need to fix. Im at work now so here are a couple teaser pics. till I get home from work and can upload them all. The shadow one is one I thought looked cool, I was trying some new ways of taking pics and found I like the artistic photography of it but its not the best for detail. The other is a teaser pic of my box frame
Alright here we go. This should be fun! As you can see I havnt updated in a while. All of my pictures are taken with my android so this is going to take me a while to upload them all so here's what ima do, I will post a couple pictures in each post and have several posts. This will also help me explain he pictures. Any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to post them. Hope y'all enjoy seeing these pics as much as I did taking them. Light up an L and start your browsing! :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke:

Here we have my one seed I have let grow since taking clones from my larger ladies. There is a side and top view. I topped it, or fimmed, it and thought I cut a little close at the time but have found more recently found its perfect. The other pic is of my plant, previously knows as C, 10 days into flower after her top being broken off
alright good news just found out how to get to my pics on my phone thru my computer.

these are my clones and my clone box for a lil while. the box is an old sidewalk chock box. perfect size actually and it is a smoke color to let some light thru but not a ton. i have recently got a new actual mini starter box.

off to the gas station to get a blunt then back at it
Looks good to me! Any close up or directions on how you made your bulb holder? Just a hole saw and some silicone? Looks like they are wired in series though - very nice.
I will be posting a bunch of closeups here in a sec when I get back from gettin bud.
As for the light holder I got 3 sockets from home depot, they are a socket with a screw on back and a little hanger. When you unscrew it there are 2 prongs so you can poke them into a cord. You can connect as many as your cord can power I guess. But I just drew up what I wanted on some leftover particle board then cut it out and cut the holes to fit the sockets. To hang it I drilled some holes thru it and fed some little metal sticks thru them, only way my welding degree has come in handy since I got it 2 years ago, and they hang on some boards hat I cut notches in. Since it is just wood and wire it was easy to cover cleanly with foil tape. This has been one of my most creative and usefull thing I have ever made.a couple reasons I like this hanging method is you can move the lights ALL the way to the top of the box, it counter acts all the off centerness of hanging cfl's horizontally. I will more than likely do a diy when I rebuild the box. Its to short and fat, I want to turn it and use it tall
sorry about the wait on that. got my L and got baked and enticed into the hot tub by 2 ladies. couldn't turn that down but im back now with more pics.

these are all of the same 2 plants. the one with them in the blue bucket is right before transfering them into the green pots. the one with the sad plant was where i had been working on my new box so much i forgot to water the ladies in my veg box. they both looked all droopy like that but i gave them a nice drink and since they have perked back up. There were a couple leaves that died but about 95% of both plants came back to normal. i will have all new and updated pics tomorrow morning when the lights kick on.
alright now its time for my party cup porn. this is my favorite plant. If you havnt been following i currently have 4 plants grown full cycle in party cups. this is one of the 4. there are 2 short ladies and 2 tall ladies. this is the hairy short one. you will see why i call her the hairy one in the next post
This is my stubby haired short lady. notice there are fewer hairs but they are much fatter. Im not sure why there is a difference since they came from the same bag of bud. should be nice to taste the difference. she and the hairy lady are the same height but this one doesnt have quite as much girth. the leaves are deff. thicker on her as well.