Test Run, Grow box reached 126 Degrees.... Help lol


Active Member
So i ran a test run of my grow box which is two rubber-maid containers on top of each other. It reached 126 degrees, i think thats a little hot for my plants lol. I'm still in the process of building it. But i need to hurry because 4 of my 8 seeds sprouted in like 6 hours lol (i was anticipating at least 4 days lol. I have 4 42 watt, and 4 20 something watt (26 i think). 8 Lights total. I painted it with like 4 coats of white paint,( bright as hell, but im thinking this may be acting like insulation attributing to heat issues, any thoughts on that?) I have a small 5 inch fan about 2/3 towards the bottom. Last week i ordered 2 computer fans that push around 110 cfm. So my question is should i use these for intakes or Exhaust? I was thinking on putting either 1 more intake and one Exhaust. Like putting one on one side of the lights blowing in and on on the other side of the lights blowing out so it blows the air right through the lights and out. or i was thinking on just putting 2 Exhaust fans in there. What is your guys recommendations there?

The light system is fixed to the top of the container so i was also contemplating putting a piece of plexi glass like 1 inch under the lights and then have the fans blowing through that area almost like a cool tube. I need some veterans advice here. I have another closet i can grow my seeds in for a week or two but soon they will have to go in the big box and i just don't want them to die. Please help.

Oh also i just wanted to say that i got my nirvana seeds 10 days after i ordered them. Of the 8 seeds o started to germ, 1 of 3 Fem Snow white, 1 of 2 Big bud, and 2 of 2 indoor mix have germed in less then 12 hours (3 in less than 6). Very impressed with this company!


Well-Known Member
you need to vent that bitch! the way your thinking sounds good to me, once you have the fans in, then do a test run, i bet you'll have to keep the fans going at all times because of how hot it gets.


Active Member
do you thnkin that the exuaghst vent with fan will really lower it 40+ degrees? Whats else could i do if that doesnt work?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Personly I would have both fans at the top exuaghsting.
And a nice big passive vent at the bottom for cool air to come in.
You shouldn't have any problems once you have your fans in there.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the fans will help alot, remember, right now you got zero air movement. of coarse the temps are gunna rise like no other. once the fans go in you should be fine, test it and find out, but I'm guessing your temp problem will be gone when you get the fans set up. and if the way you plan to do it doesn't work, try what green man said and have both at the top blowing air out and let them suck air in through holes in the bottom.


Active Member
when you say at the top do you mean put them on the actual top of the containers and having them blow to the cieiing (tough becuase its covered for secrecy). Or top as in right up to the top of the containers but blowing/sucking through the top? lik from left to right


Well-Known Member
i mean to have them facing a wall, not the ceiling, but at the top of the sides of your growbox, and having holes in the bottom ( bottom portion of the sides) for the air to get sucked in through.


Active Member
yeah ok thats what i thought. I do have a 5 inch fan at the bottom blowing in air. Unfortunetly the only thing i could find to raise my pots to the lights was a box so its like a couple inches in front of the intake fan so air probably isn't coming in as best as it could be. Does anyone know where i can get those plastic milk crates or something that i could use like a box but will let air through?


Well-Known Member
no idea, I've been looking around the backs of grocery stores and shit (places that usually use them) and can't find any.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Buy a creat of bear? Or use a stool?

How power full is the 5 inch fan? It might make a better extraction fan.