Have you tried the "let's take a trip around the world or buy an entire mansion in some Amish-hell-hole of a town instead of believing some fuckin' lie told by the DeBeers family since our daddy's daddy's daddy's were puppies", argument? Diamonds in the 21st century

, buy that lady some platinum + tungsten! People should be commissioning artists to design and build rings, not giving rich corksuckers, (who probably employ some of the 13 million+ slaves in existence today), more money so they can exploit us. Can you tell I'm not related to the DeBeers

Anyhoo liking the plants, looking forward to see if they are gonna produce some rocks or those old-school wispy LED nugs. How is that strain for density? And yeah "our" weather has cooled down, been getting my new space ready for the real Northeast grow season

. I would think better weather wouldn't hurt your yield either. Boy I'm a smartie

Also I'd like to take a moment and give a big shout out to the Lasko fan company. I saw your fan and I realized I've had a 16" Lasko running almost non-stop, in oscillating mode, for nearly 6 years! So let's give it up to the Lasko fan company and when u guys making a $20.00 bladeless model?