Testing the maxsisun MG3000

#MG3000 rocking it. Trying to make my corner as close to 3x3 as possible, it's still a work in progress. My ceiling rafters won't allow me to put anchors it the right place in order to get light tucked in the corner exactly where it needs to be, so that's gonna have to be close enough. The floor is not level either so it kinda makes it look a little wonky but I'll shim when I put RDWC in.
Little one here trying to get right it popped its helmet off a little early I think. Usually it's still on when I put in rapid rooter but not this time. Hopefully she'll figure it out.
Nice lush and Green. This light isn't disappointing that's for sure it's vegging this thing like a shrub! Cant even tell I defoliated now. After this long holiday weekend I should have everything clean and will give her a rinse in the shower then flip time. My goal is after Xmas but before new years for flip. Probably will go ahead and lollipop also. 1640243780981683882350482259226.jpg
I gave her what should be her last veg haircut but idk this light seems to make it grow back or grow new pretty fast so we'll see. Hope everyone is having a great holiday week peace to all. Wont be long till it hits the net 20211230_014639.jpg20211230_014701.jpg20211230_014751.jpg
I told myself I'm gonna stop being so scared of this plant and keep it under control so dammit that's what I'm doing. Till it's in flower then I won't touch it. I'll give one lollipop after flower stretch and that will be it. I want 10 main tops and I might let a few branches go just to help fill in the net. This will be my experimental run as far as defol. I love having a big ass plant don't get me wrong but it's just to much trimming. 20220104_025258.jpg20220104_025306.jpg20220104_025224.jpg
I told myself I'm gonna stop being so scared of this plant and keep it under control so dammit that's what I'm doing. Till it's in flower then I won't touch it. I'll give one lollipop after flower stretch and that will be it. I want 10 main tops and I might let a few branches go just to help fill in the net. This will be my experimental run as far as defol. I love having a big ass plant don't get me wrong but it's just to much trimming. View attachment 5059982View attachment 5059983View attachment 5059984
You did a lot of works to enlarge the light, well done!
Damn didn't realize I haven't been on to update in a week. Ooops :blsmoke:
I did a light defol and some training. She still seems to be loving the light and I have no complaints. And yes that's my seed on top of the light staying warm lol.
Before pic first the two after pics
Oh yeah hey @Maxsisun my seedling didn't make it but have another one in paper towels now so fingers crossed.
First off why the fuck would the defense let a man be wide open (twice) with the game on the line ffs!! I guess Brady and Gronk will both retire, Again lol.
Wonder what happened to @Maxsisun? seen they are no longer an advertiser on here.. Ive had a few runs in this 25gal rdwc now and the rootball on this run is double the size of all the others so far. I'm sure that can be strain related also but anyway, she seems to love the light. How's everyone doing? Been out of town with family stuff (not good stuff) I tried to get on a few times but for some reason my phone don't work unless I have wifi and I didn't even have that while out of town. I have done a little stuff since I've been back home, had to keep my mind busy to keep my sanity during these f'ed up times. The only thing I know to do to keep my mind busy is build shit, so that's what I did. I'm still working on it and am going to put one more layer on just to make sure, and need to figure out how I'm going to run and light proof my intake but yeah I've been busy lol.
Not many will read this but if you are reading do me a favor and go hug and kiss your loved ones, cause shit happens so fast and you might not get another chance. Peace and love to all. Smoke one for all the ones looking down on us!!20220125_003606.jpg
Rez change, defol and flip before the weekend. Got pushed back a week. Ugh I really wasn't shooting for another tree but oh well. I wanted to isolate her as best as possible and knew it was too late to put in the tent so gonna use the tent for my attempt at cloning. Think I'm gonna use this one runt branch as the cutting.
First off why the fuck would the defense let a man be wide open (twice) with the game on the line ffs!! I guess Brady and Gronk will both retire, Again lol.
Wonder what happened to @Maxsisun? seen they are no longer an advertiser on here.. Ive had a few runs in this 25gal rdwc now and the rootball on this run is double the size of all the others so far. I'm sure that can be strain related also but anyway, she seems to love the light. How's everyone doing? Been out of town with family stuff (not good stuff) I tried to get on a few times but for some reason my phone don't work unless I have wifi and I didn't even have that while out of town. I have done a little stuff since I've been back home, had to keep my mind busy to keep my sanity during these f'ed up times. The only thing I know to do to keep my mind busy is build shit, so that's what I did. I'm still working on it and am going to put one more layer on just to make sure, and need to figure out how I'm going to run and light proof my intake but yeah I've been busy lol.
Not many will read this but if you are reading do me a favor and go hug and kiss your loved ones, cause shit happens so fast and you might not get another chance. Peace and love to all. Smoke one for all the ones looking down on us!!View attachment 5073740
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View attachment 5073742
Rez change, defol and flip before the weekend. Got pushed back a week. Ugh I really wasn't shooting for another tree but oh well. I wanted to isolate her as best as possible and knew it was too late to put in the tent so gonna use the tent for my attempt at cloning. Think I'm gonna use this one runt branch as the cutting.
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Hope that everything gets better for you... Keep pushing forward...
It's all good it's part of life. Thank you guys.
Hey man. Peace blessing and much prayers to you and you fam. I consider you a solid member and a friend on here. Your really good people. I’ll keep my chin up for you man.
along with plenty of good vibes sent from my fam to yours.

your plant looks great!!!!
Sorry about the bucs. But you got a win last year. And prolly will next year. Lol. La needs this bad! My older bro is a bucs fan too.