Texas Growers Unite!

Sounds real nice!

Gonna pot up my BubbaMaster(#1, untrained thus far) to the five gallon smartpot tomorrow..

If the males survive the night, I'll take pollen from them once the do a full bloom. And save it in vials in the fridge..
thought you were big time
You need to come hang in austin beech in feb or mar after my next harvest so i can try some thai and you can try some black cherry soda :)
So my three males(C99, and two Smash Hole Punch) survived the chill.. I culled the lesser developed, not so vigorous, less stanky Smash Hole Punch.

Theyve gone back to veg for a while. Here's hoping my other Cindy is a girl after all! If so, seed run in order!
Yeah I'll cross my feathers for that!

Ive got two BubbaMaster's from seed that are getting bigger than needed me thinks..
but I'll just keep doing the LST and SuperCropping on em till they get a little bigger.. I need a lasting haul!
Tired of being out before next pull..

Gonna start my G13 xHashplant(have two of those) into flower very soon. Take cuts and flip by mid next week is the plan. Taking cuts of all the girls, and those and the males will move to another area while the kiddos go through puberty!
I here ya hate running out also, that mbk sounds good,the bubbicious I've got going starting to get frosty pics are in my journal links in sig if y'all wanna check it out
Pour a bit out for sensi, he had some great posts for the rest of us. He's no longer doing he grow thing. Hope he comes back here sometime.
If the boys win their next two games against New Orleans and Washington then they're in the playoffs. A loss and they're probably out. Love the boys, but these boys love to disappoint so I am not holding my breath that they won't disappoint. Both games ahead are tough games they'll be underdogs in. Even if they make it to the playoffs do they really have a chance against the current elite? Doubtful. But it WOULD be badass to see Texans vs Cowboys in the superbowl. Don't see either of them getting in though -- if one does i'm sure it's gonna be houston though not dallas. I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong.
I definitely think if they play up to their potential it's possible. This team isn't known for playing to potential in the clutch. Next week is the trap game. I hope they are not looking past new orleans to Washington thinking the saints will be a pushover.
I just got out of Hill County jail at 6pm tonight "FUCK THE POLICE"!!!! Headed north to Colorado Springs on the 26th... Fuck Texas!!!! I am tired of being arrested for bullshit punk ass marijuana charges.. Fuck the government. I am going to buy all the AR's and AK's I can afford... I declare WAR!!!!

YO the end of the world jam... Play this shit Thursday night, I am throwing a party at ACE'S BAR and GRILL in WACO...fucking triangle Illuminati music.... " Come join us before the end" Haha.. Seven Lions

For real check out this dooms day music

Dodged a bullit last night one heater went out and got down to 48f in tht flower station.
Res temps 55,59,61f just a little too low.
Got to fix another heater for tonight!!

Hey guys, anybody have any suggestions? Please I'm looking for some real experienced and seasoned growers advice. I have switched from AN to Jacks wich was a little bit better and now I'm contemplating using botnicare 's Pure blend pro line up and some of their supplements. Some of them just look the same to me though. I've been looking at the labels and I'm stumped on what i would exactly need. I'm for sure going to grab the pbp grow and bloom, the pure blend tea, vitamino, cal mag, hydroplex some sweet raw and liquid karma. I am switching from soil to aeroponic, I think I'm ready, just trying to see if i will need all these products of not.