Texas Growers Unite!


Active Member
Id be willing to discuss location and good weed hook ups in austin via a more secure network or line of communication if anyone is interested


Active Member
Any advice on hooking up IRL? I never had any luck finding a steady source. I want to be safe and comfortable. No stress or fear.


Well-Known Member
yea my friends can't find shit. at all. and hey 420 i get grams bro cuz no one finds q's at a good price for me. I go and throw some tabos around lol and then look for some q's or halfys but no one got shit :bigjoint::wall:


Well-Known Member
yeh drank always cures my cough/sore throat....i still remember the first time i was sippin...felt like i was in a whole different world! But shid waddup my fellow TEXANS!


Well-Known Member
yeh drank always cures my cough/sore throat....i still remember the first time i was sippin...felt like i was in a whole different world! But shid waddup my fellow TEXANS!

"drank" is for ghetto black people. just sayin....

Anyone who would drink promethozine(sp?) is a fucking fool rofl.