Texas Outdoor growing HELP


Is it possible to grow outdoor around Dallas, TX.
If so when is the best time to start.

Thanks for the time:leaf:
Usually March is when most people start, but it depends on your "zone" and I know of at least three zones in Texas. If it doubt, do a staggered crop. Plant two or more on March 1st, 2+ more on March 12th, 2+ on March 24th, and so on. You can also start earlier or later if you pick the right strains. Mandala Seeds has a good info on their website. Even if you don't go with them, you at least want to try and find strains that are tolerant of your area (e.g. African, Afghanistan, Mexican, etc should do well in your area).

yo Vudro,I'm new to the game. but i want to let you know that I live in 8b zone and started very late in the season at around the beginning of July and my plants dont seem to be going too bad... I just didnt want you to lose hope over a few comments. Like I said I'm new to this but I'm not new 8b zone of texas weather and it doesnt get cooler til around december depending if you live north or south in texas. but if its south winters do not get too cold. you can always try a single seed just for a test run to get some of the kinks out for your REAL grow.. check out my grow man. my first one but have plenty of pictures to go along for the ride..

Depends On The strain, if you have Some Kush Then Id Say Early April, or Those Mid-gradies(Popcorn, They Sell That In Dallas) Then Id Say Mid-March . I Usto Live In Dalls grew Some Kush During Spring And I Harvested Late Summer. And Grew That Corn I sAid , And That Fucker Just Grew Slow, So Id Say Just Mid March And Early April.
Durban Poison. South African strain. Must get hotter then hell in Texas. Make sure you get good genetics especially in that hot, dry Texas summer.
A couple things I learned about growing here in TX are game changers- for sure. I'm from the midwest, and the conditions there are very different, so the last couple years here have been a learning curve.
1- As mentioned above, there are strains that handle this dry heat better than others
2- Tx soil (around Dalls area, particularly) is shit, so prepare beforehand and amend, amend, amend
3- If you are going to grow offsite, set yourself up w/easy water access and/or irrigation. After the heat sets in, be prepared to water EVERY day. If you miss- they'll look like cooked spinach within a few hours.
4- Use an additive to help with heat stress- because they WILL get heat stressed. I use DynaGro Protekt
5- Bugs. Damn. I had several plants up around 24 inches (offsite), and the grasshoppers arrived, seemed like overnite. Went to water one day (only had to water every 2-3 days at that time) the little fuckers had eaten my plants - GONE! Nothing but sticks left!
This will raise some contraversy, and I didn't really buy into it until this year, but I won't plant again before the 1st or 2nd week of JUNE.
You can put them out really early here, as opposed to the midwest, where the last frost or even snow may happen as late as May.
I planted healthy seedlings in March this year, and I learned-
1- if you put seedlings out too early in the photoperiod, they will begin to flower until the daylight hrs get long enough to revert it back to vegetation- 6 weeks minimum. During that time, they won't grow 2 inches. The upside to this, though, is that I was able to identify nearly all of the males and pull them before wasting any time and effort on them.
2- by putting them out that early, they will likely become monsters and uncontrolable in growth. This may be alright if you're growing offsite and/or in a location where detection won't be an issue.
3- I put out a few in June, to replace the ones the grasshoppers ate, and they are nearly as big as the ones I put in my garden in March- true story. They come up and veg really fast when they start out on the long days. If put out the 2nd wk in June, that gives roughly 6-8 weeks of veg time before they begin to flower, and that's plenty of time- if your soil and water are good. And they grow like, well, like weeds. Literally.
4- If you put out in March, say the first week, that gives 10-12 extra weeks you'll have to babysit. After tring it this year, I personally don't think it benefited my cause much, if any at all, to put out earlier than June.
It's truely a labor of love, but how much in love are you?
The strains I have out all seem to be doing well- Lemon Skunk, Thai Stick, Northen Lights, NYC Diesel, Afghani.
If you'd like to see them-


Good luck to you, bro. Hope this may help!