Texas, the new haven for terrorists

Is Texas a new haven for terrorists?

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so you are calling women selfish because they would not be able to care for dependents if they went through with their pregnancy?

kinda seems like the opposite of selfish to me.

ditto the second biggest reason, inability to afford a child. why are they selfish for not saddling the taxpayer with their child's costs, like you did?

i don't mind helping out medicaid families like yours, but why is it selfish of them not to saddle us taxpayers with that?
The majority of abortions are not because of rape, incest, or medical reasons. That is a fact.

Would you like to know how many pregnancies were terminated due to lack of contraceptive use?
The majority of abortions are not because of rape, incest, or medical reasons. That is a fact.

you said they were for "in a word" "selfish" reasons though.

not having a baby because you have dependents to take care of (the #1 reason) or because you cannot afford it (the #2 reason) is not selfish at all.

people like you who go ahead and have a baby on the taxpayer's medicaid dollar are closer to the selfish descriptor you tried to foist upon others.

and yes, tell me about how many abortions happened because of no contraceptive, and then go join the republican crusade against readily available birth control that is covered by your health insurance.

you said they were for "in a word" "selfish" reasons though.

not having a baby because you have dependents to take care of (the #1 reason) or because you cannot afford it (the #2 reason) is not selfish at all.

people like you who go ahead and have a baby on the taxpayer's medicaid dollar are closer to the selfish descriptor you tried to foist upon others.

and yes, tell me about how many abortions happened because of no contraceptive, and then go join the republican crusade against readily available birth control that is covered by your health insurance.

I am not against contraceptives. Try again.
I am not against contraceptives. Try again.

then why are you a republican?

if you don't like abortions, become a democrat. we are the only ones trying to reduce the numnber of abortions by making birth control readily available and free to any woman who wants them.

and the success of this simple plan is amazing.


Since 2009, more than 30,000 IUDs or other contraception devices were given out at 68 family planning clinics in Colorado, the state reported last year.

The program proved to be a major success in that, from 2009 to 2013, the birthrate for teenagers fell by 40 percent, accordingto the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. In addition, the teen abortion rate dropped 35 percent from 2009 to 2012. Similar reductions occurred among single women under the age of 25 who did not have a high school degree, the NYT reported.

READ MORE: Indiana woman first in nation to be convicted of feticide

The state estimated that it had saved more than $80 million in Medicaid expenditures thanks to the program, which ran out of funding on July 1. The state health department has also estimated that the initiative saved $5.85 in Medicaid costs for every dollar used to fund low-price contraception.
I just think it's funny that you say that liberals attribute all these super sneaky abilities to terrorists, when it's the guys on the right that are screaming and pulling their (not your my bad) hair out, pointing at anyone who remotely looks Arabic thinking, "It's a terrorist! They're here! They're hiding among all the Muslims!"

I don't share those over-reactive views, but I don't think what you're describing requires superhuman abilities. Everything you're listing is easily accomplished by motivated individuals.

The opposite is true of liberals' arguments about the futility of armed citizens defending themselves during a terrorist attack. In those arguments, the citizens return fire is either impossible, inaccurate or simply bounces of the terrorists like superman. According to liberals, the fact the terrorists are willing to die, apparently gives them the ability to shrug off head shots as nothing more than an annoyance. What is always overlooked is the willingness of armed citizens to give their lives to protect their family, friends or complete strangers who are at the mercy of the terrorists.

My opinion is that to those liberals, that level of sacrifice is unfathomable. They be cowards and deserve to be so named.
Some get very upset if you talk about taking away their abortions. It is not about compassion for a suffering woman.
The majority of abortions are oops pregnancies that would interfere with the woman's desired lifestyle. In a word, selfish.

Rape, incest, and medical emergencies should be the only reason for an abortion.

While the left says the right clings to their guns, the left clings to their abortions.

It's OK tho. Abortions don't cause death because fetuses aren't alive. *rolls eyes*

If each abortion was a murder in the eyes of liberals, they wouldn't be crying about the 11k gun homicides a year..

You dont like Abortions... Neither do I.

However, I have come to the conclusion that my opinion doesnt and shouldnt mean shit to a woman I dont know and her doctor.

I would rather give people the freedom to do what they want rather than try to prohibit them in some way.
walk into a russian mall youll get a blow job.
It never ceases to amaze me how liberals always ascribe superhuman speed and infallible accuracy to terrorist yo-yos, but seem to think highly trained U.S. citizens who have been using firearms since they were children, can't end the threat. In this case, the smart money is on the Texans.

Texas is now one of the safest states in regards to a terrorist attack. The terrorists will stick to blue states where they know they can rack up a good body count before they encounter anything more lethal than whimpers and liberals begging for their lives.
lol only in america will they give a fire arm to a child WTF and highly trained ???? at what
and Texas is safe ?? well with the Death penalty looming in the air i think most think twice before doing something stupid
You don't like Abortions... Neither do I.
However, I have come to the conclusion that my opinion doesn't and shouldn't mean shit to a woman I don't know and her doctor.
I would rather give people the freedom to do what they want rather than try to prohibit them in some way.
do you care when someone is mugged and killed on a city street? do you care when a child is caught in the crossfire and killed by gang violence? do you care if a man comes home and slaughters his entire family? none of these are any of your business either, but still affect you. ok; so you've already been born and are no longer in danger of being aborted, but the death of an innocent should still give you pause. it should be more than a simple dislike.
do you care when someone is mugged and killed on a city street? do you care when a child is caught in the crossfire and killed by gang violence? do you care if a man comes home and slaughters his entire family? none of these are any of your business either, but still affect you. ok; so you've already been born and are no longer in danger of being aborted, but the death of an innocent should still give you pause. it should be more than a simple dislike.

What are the other options? Being born to someone who does not want you? Being born and raised by the state?

Nobody should be sentenced to a life of bringing up a child they dont want due to a mistake. And I dont think the rest of society should be burdened by every person who makes a mistake in addition to forcibly removing from them their property.

So yes, I care that innocents are killed but life is really messy and we would have to take away rights from some people already alive to give them to the unborn.
do you care when someone is mugged and killed on a city street? do you care when a child is caught in the crossfire and killed by gang violence? do you care if a man comes home and slaughters his entire family? none of these are any of your business either, but still affect you. ok; so you've already been born and are no longer in danger of being aborted, but the death of an innocent should still give you pause. it should be more than a simple dislike.

so laws against pedophilia are tyranny, but laws against abortion are just dandy in your bible thumping moral crusade?

lol. republicans.
I don't share those over-reactive views, but I don't think what you're describing requires superhuman abilities. Everything you're listing is easily accomplished by motivated individuals.

The opposite is true of liberals' arguments about the futility of armed citizens defending themselves during a terrorist attack. In those arguments, the citizens return fire is either impossible, inaccurate or simply bounces of the terrorists like superman. According to liberals, the fact the terrorists are willing to die, apparently gives them the ability to shrug off head shots as nothing more than an annoyance. What is always overlooked is the willingness of armed citizens to give their lives to protect their family, friends or complete strangers who are at the mercy of the terrorists.

My opinion is that to those liberals, that level of sacrifice is unfathomable. They be cowards and deserve to be so named.

I think you vastly underestimate the smart liberal (and maybe or maybe not how I think). I see your argument the problem is that it's what you on the right ascribe to a
"Liberal fantasy" that those of on the left ascribe to a "Conservative fantasy." That is, in a perfect situation this would happen but in reality it may play out very very differently. Just my two cents.

Hey here's to good discourse. :D
do you care when someone is mugged and killed on a city street? do you care when a child is caught in the crossfire and killed by gang violence? do you care if a man comes home and slaughters his entire family? none of these are any of your business either, but still affect you. ok; so you've already been born and are no longer in danger of being aborted, but the death of an innocent should still give you pause. it should be more than a simple dislike.
your logic is faulty. your analogies idiotic.
concern yourself with your own utereus and leave moral philosophy to the enlightened.
[QUOTE="MuyLocoNC, post: 12197863, member: 102304"

My opinion is that to those liberals, that level of sacrifice is unfathomable. They be cowards and deserve to be so named.[/QUOTE]
your opinion has the stench of ranting, bigoted A hole.
Well to think abortions is wrong but hey nothing wrong when some addicted meth women dumps her dead kid in a dumpster ,,
A women gets rapped god forbid she has to bare a child from the rapist ?? i guess its a reminder or god forbid that child is missing limbs or mentally retarded before giving birth where it could of been aborted
Just think for 1 min how much money would be saved if it was law that any child pre diagnosed could of been aborted rather then being brought into this world and tax money wasted for its sick life
I guess nothing wrong changing your kids who is now 40 years old shitty diapers cause it cannot wipe its own ass
or care for itself and most importantly parents on low Retrement income barely surviving as it is eatting cat food but have to some how come up with cash for the 10 different prescripton pills for there kid haha unreal

its all good right when its not you taking care of a it but still pay in some form of tax

Abortions are a good thing don't kid your self
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What are the other options?
the problem is that there are so few "other options". this really isn't a matter of law but of morality. we live in a society that values pleasure above all else and despises the concept of responsibility. take a look at the posts of folks like little bucky. they are filled with a seething hatred of the very notion that the individual should be held responsible for his/her own actions. i meet people like this nearly every day. they are so busy searching for someone else to blame that they never even think to look at their own errors and recognize that they are the authors of their own failure.

so what is the answer? as you have already stated, we can't very well force people to give up their addiction to abortion. we already have too many people running around and those at the lower end of the economic spectrum always have had a tendency to breed like deranged rabbits. imprisonment is far too costly, considering that for each abortion we would have to jail both the mother and the father. forced sterilization has its merits. relieving those who will not take responsibility of that responsibility would make a bit of sense, but it reeks of eugenics and social engineering. while it could be considered constitutional, given that it would be a punishment for the crime of causing the death of another, i doubt we could trust the state to deal equitably when handing out such punishment. any other suggestions?

i'm afraid that the answer doesn't lie with the law. it begins before we even look at abortion's legality. it begins even before sex. it begins with repairing the decaying ethos of our society.
the problem is that there are so few "other options". this really isn't a matter of law but of morality. we live in a society that values pleasure above all else and despises the concept of responsibility. take a look at the posts of folks like little bucky. they are filled with a seething hatred of the very notion that the individual should be held responsible for his/her own actions. i meet people like this nearly every day. they are so busy searching for someone else to blame that they never even think to look at their own errors and recognize that they are the authors of their own failure.

so what is the answer? as you have already stated, we can't very well force people to give up their addiction to abortion. we already have too many people running around and those at the lower end of the economic spectrum always have had a tendency to breed like deranged rabbits. imprisonment is far too costly, considering that for each abortion we would have to jail both the mother and the father. forced sterilization has its merits. relieving those who will not take responsibility of that responsibility would make a bit of sense, but it reeks of eugenics and social engineering. while it could be considered constitutional, given that it would be a punishment for the crime of causing the death of another, i doubt we could trust the state to deal equitably when handing out such punishment. any other suggestions?

i'm afraid that the answer doesn't lie with the law. it begins before we even look at abortion's legality. it begins even before sex. it begins with repairing the decaying ethos of our society.
Responsibility is the worst.

Seeing as children are the biggest responsibility, that makes them the worst.

"Why should we let children be born to people who don't want them?"

Hmmm.. let's ask the children is they would rather be in foster care or dead.

Nah... that's too icky to think about.
Flame truth is most kids born by single parent families end up in trouble , one mistake one night can be the biggest mistake in a persons life or maybe not ,, and i think for some young girl just starting life and lost in the world having a stress of bringing a child when they are in fact still a child cannot be good thing .. sure many will say well adoption,, again hey we see it all the time there it can be good thing and it can turn out bad
and most of the time people that want to adobt are not keen on a baby from a addicted mother on drugs they want healthy least i would and i think you would to
the problem is that there are so few "other options". this really isn't a matter of law but of morality. we live in a society that values pleasure above all else and despises the concept of responsibility. take a look at the posts of folks like little bucky. they are filled with a seething hatred of the very notion that the individual should be held responsible for his/her own actions. i meet people like this nearly every day. they are so busy searching for someone else to blame that they never even think to look at their own errors and recognize that they are the authors of their own failure.

so what is the answer? as you have already stated, we can't very well force people to give up their addiction to abortion. we already have too many people running around and those at the lower end of the economic spectrum always have had a tendency to breed like deranged rabbits. imprisonment is far too costly, considering that for each abortion we would have to jail both the mother and the father. forced sterilization has its merits. relieving those who will not take responsibility of that responsibility would make a bit of sense, but it reeks of eugenics and social engineering. while it could be considered constitutional, given that it would be a punishment for the crime of causing the death of another, i doubt we could trust the state to deal equitably when handing out such punishment. any other suggestions?

i'm afraid that the answer doesn't lie with the law. it begins before we even look at abortion's legality. it begins even before sex. it begins with repairing the decaying ethos of our society.

Who's morality? Your morality? The majority's morality? What yardstick are we going to use?
Your right there Bucky Hitler thought so to and guess what??? there are less people mentally ill or missing limbs in germany then there are in the states and guess what?? this means less wasted money and money put into productive programs could this be a reason Germany is in better shape then USA even back in world war 2 Germany out produced USA in industry as it is today same thing remember..
It took USA , Russia , And England to defeat Germany cannot say France as Germany already owned them , so please refrain from your stupidity
remember Greece didn't colapse Germany bailed them out lol did you know or such a small country Germany produces twice as many cars in one year haha says much for US you think
Just think for such a big country with all its so called wealth Germany is about to surpass USA in GDP mazing for such a small country
In 2010, America’s GDP per capita was 18% higher than Germany’s, at $47,199 versus $40,152, according to the World Bank. But that gap has closed substantially in recent decades. Back in 1982, the gap was nearly 50% – $13,933 for the U.S. versus $9,593 for Germany.

Why is it every other fucking country is doing great expect USA there going shit ass backwards