Texas's 1ST GROW


Active Member
hey yall, names... guy. i am completly new to growing and to the site, but i have been reading(as much as i could without a membership) for a month. anyhow i decided to start growing a small personal crop and went fast and furious. I started by buying a general hydroponics "waterfarm" which is a bucket hydro setup with a drip ring over it and a 2 gallon resivior.(immediatly after taking it out of the box i realized i could have easily produced this or better with half the money and no skills whatsoever) i found 3 seeds out of bagseed(some lesser "dank" it had good smells and a nice high but nothing great) i just wanted to start growing immediately with a lets learn and have fun perspective. anyway i put the seeds immediatly(wrong) into "sunleaves" super starter plugs, and then idiotically put three house lamps around there and left for a party in houston (three hours away) when i came back(two days later) one had sprouted and was already a thin, spindily three inches tall. one other had sprouted and the other did not. when i came back i had some sort of attachment to my first plant and decided to go all out so i bought all the nutes, put in the recommended nutes for a seedling(flora-micro,bloom, and grow from general hydroponics) and a sunleaves mini pulsar 400 watt hs/hps light with built in ballast and reflector. i have it 2 feet away right now. anyway the 1st is three 1/2 inches right now with with its first set of leaves good and 2nd comming in. the second just sprouted(much thicker and shorter though) and third has a strong white root but hasnt sprouted yet. anyway i have all three in one setup(i really wanted a fem) so i am contemplating getting two more setups, as my light can more then accomodate. anyway thats the start if my log. my girl has a great camera that she said i could borrow for a while so pics are comming soon. anyway sorry for the page of 1st post, ufc finale was on and my and my buds are liqoured up :evil::spew::twisted:. btw, as i am new please if your reading, post, say whatever, and especially school my ass so i can maybe have more then a learning experience at the end of all this =) cheers and GN. ...game over.


Active Member
ok so its been 7 days sense i put the seeds into starter plugs(without germinating.) seedling #1 is about 4 inches now. it has its circular leaves and its first pair of "actual" leaves are about an inch now, and i can see the second pair of leaves starting. its very spindily and can be knocked around with a water mister =( (learn from me, dont use a houselamp for the first couple days just wait till you have your lighting.) seedling #2 is short(inch) and thick stemmed with its first set of "real" leaves starting to come out. I am very happy with this one, it looks like Gigglepimps mary and jane strawberry haze seedling, when they were. #3 hasnt sprouted yet =( but it has a strong looking root buried in there so fingers crossed. is there usually such a large time difference between seeds sprouting? also i read somewhere that you shouldnt have the setup constantly watering because you want the roots to grow and stretch out so i left the drip off all night last night. when i awoke i noticed no change, no growth in the plants at all(not normal) then i turned it on this morning and 2 hours later #1 had shot up that 1/2 inch and the leaves were better, and #2 had made noticible growth. is this normal? and is it better to do this, or keep the drip constant? i wonder... anyway thats about it, wont have pics till maybe monday, tuesday when i see my girl =( i really want to log some pics of them as seedlings. ha my roomate came in a week ago and saw me setting up my kit and said " man you always are doing some crazy hobby" today he sees a 200 dollar HID chained up in my closet with a heavy chain... "your paying any extra on the electric bill." smart guy =) wow i make long posts, this wont be a popular journal. ha later yall.


Well-Known Member
its a fun learning hobby, hopefully you get it down because the texas shwagg is horrible shit! peace


Active Member
yea it is. but border towns like laredo, south padre and el benito get EXTREMLY good shwag(if you can call it that) for 20-25 a oz. if only i could get it past the checkpoints =)


Well-Known Member
yea it is. but border towns like laredo, south padre and el benito get EXTREMLY good shwag(if you can call it that) for 20-25 a oz. if only i could get it past the checkpoints =)
just grow your own super quality bud! and never look back!:blsmoke:


Active Member
exactly =) Thanks for stopping by Jay, cant wait to see your Cheese.
ok well last night i noticed the tip of one of seedling #1s leafs had turned yellow and the leaves were tending to twist(curl) around the edges upwards. ...for some reason i thought i would be a lucky guy who gets it all perfect first time. no. so i go to the problems section and find a sticky listing different difficiencies and thier effects. looked like it could be that, then i read by another poster that the same symptoms i am having could also be to much nutrients. i am thrilled at this point. =) but seeing as how i put a smaller amount of nutes then recommended a week ago and have added alot of new water i switch out water and put in recommended nutes for seedlings with the flora micro veg and bloom, hopefully that will work it hasnt got worse and might ? be getting a little better. we will see
seedling number one despite the tip is getting bigger leaves, and its second pair of fringed leaves are really trying. still spindely, and last night i misted it and it fell over, had to prop it up on the drip ring. sad. #2 is about an inch 1/2 approaching two. Its leaves are comming in a little uneven. maybe just bad genetics (bagseed) #3 still hasnt come through, ive all but given up on her, and it will be gone tomorrow. i am also thinking of making another bucket system and transplanting one of them so they each have thier own system. thats it. ltr


Well-Known Member
i would suggest not using any nutes for the 1st 2 weeks man, ive seen better results that way here at RIU.

p.s. i cant wait to smoke the cheese!


Active Member
haha i cant wait till you do... so i get to read about it. ...pathetic i know. are you sure though? i am growing hydro style and i heard that you MUST supplement with the nutrients because they dont come in the soil. ?? plant still hast gotten any worse but really hasnt shown signs of improvement either. but i know nothing and eagerly accept anything. i just want to do the best by my babies =) ill keep you posted but if it doest get better then what? take out nutrient water and use plain? its a drip system. hell if i know, but i am trying hard. but anyway thanks for visting and putting your shit down. it is very appreciated.
p.s. when in the H if i smell cheese...i am running! =))


Well-Known Member
you could of just used ph'd water in your hydro system for the first 2 weeks, atleast thats what i would of done, ive never done hydro so dont hold me to it. i know you can even hand water them thru the 1st week(hydro). either way, when your using nutes i think its best to work up to the recommended strength by 1/4, then 1/2 strength and so on till you reach full strength, i figure its best that way to get them use to the nutes and not push them so hard.


Active Member
hmm. ok thanks for the info. i guess i am going to go buy a ph tester and rechange the water today. you know for weeds these things sure need alot of pampering. =) ok so an update. number 3 hasnt sprouted. and i dont think it ever will. number one(the tall spindely one) had fallen over =(( so i got a twisty tie and loosly tied it to the drip ring to keep it upright. besides that though the leaves have grown alot, the second set of fringed leaves are comming out good and there seems to be some space between each set of leaves. the problem hasnt gotten any worse with the nutrient/water change yesterday thank god. number 2 is looking strong although it is getting longer fast. i am afraid its going to stretch out like #1 and be unstable but i dont know what to do, my 400w halide is 2 feet above them, which ive read to be right. i dont know, so i am off to the problems section to read. i know sativas get very long but to the point of not being able to stay upright as a seedling? ltr


Well-Known Member
you could try and repot it even deeper into the soil maybe, and you could def lower that halide more, esp if you have some fans and ventilation. id say you could have it at around 15-18in. away. maybe even lower, put your hand over the top of the plant, if its to hot for your hand its to hot for your plant.


Active Member
ok, fresh water(didnt get the ph tester yet) has been put in and the light lowered. lets hope the second one can go through without being twisttied upright. thanks for the guidance dro. +rep =)


Well-Known Member
no prob man, you should throw some pics up when ya can. we are all photo whores here on RIU.


Active Member
man i know. i want those pics two, they are my firsts! well my girl was comming in on monday but she isnt so screw it tomorrow im using my roomates camera phone and i am finding a digital as soon as possible. i would just buy one, but the HID put a hurt on me. yea 2 pages of long, unorganized posts and no pics. lucky i havnt been flamed yet. plants are looking good though, #1 has more leaves comming off of its new set, and the first set of leaves branches are as thick if not more so then the damn stem. #2 has really opened up nicely so pretty happy there. tomorrow i am dead set to put up pics, even if they are blurry as camera phone pics. so until then.


Active Member
=( things havmnt been gowing well. but at least i heave learned. and one that i havnt even looked at for like a week is doing great now
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Well-Known Member
hey its all good bro, yea dont get too crazy with the big house lol, stay within yourself man an you'll be aight. as far as your plants, yea having the closet closed def baked them lol. ill be doing an autoflowering strain for my next grow so stay tuned for that.

pm sent bro


Active Member
ok. wow long ride. still no pics so really im just writing for myself. but what an experience. i have had friends and family over for like 5 or 6 days so i just closed off my whole shit. when they left i went in (this is the second time i have done this... its stealth) and wow #1 is great! it has six sets of leaves with another comming and is about 9 inches. the stem has become more then sturdy now despite it being leggy before. #2 ... f*ck number 2... but anyway theere have been some problems, some of the leaves have twisted upwards, and lower ones have died. after alot of reading (thanks ALOt Widow Maker) ive attributed alot of the lower leaves to shock after the transplant and bad water ph. (my city says its 7.6 =( and hydro should be around 5.8-6.3 or something so i have read, so tomorrow ill buy all the crap, along with some good water and do a change with proper tested water. the curling i have attributed to the lamp, sense its grown so much and i havnt moved it up (it was about 6 inches over it) moved it up to 18 and got a little fan to blow on it. despite the problems, which im kinda excited about tackeling its looking great. im learning alot and im sure my next crop will be great. next... this b*tch better be a b*tch! you cant tell till into flowering huh? it is very branchy and bushy...which is making me hopeful. anyway thats it for now. if i ever get a camera maybe someone will read this =) but untill then i got my first record going it it feels good.


Well-Known Member
im still here man!!!! sounds like plant 1 is doing good man. the leafs curling upward do sound like it could be heat stress but it sounds like you just got that under control. i hope its a woman and it produces the sluttiest of buds lol


Active Member
haha thanks jay. man your cool as shit. the one person helping me through this =) +++rep fo sho. yea man i have had a friend in town constantly trying to find the next house were going to rent, and broke up with my gf...or other way around... so ive been at bars and hitting up all my exs like crazy. i feel like an unresponsible parent =) but luckily my setup does all my work for me.... i thought it was so hard to grow but with all the info on this site to help any problems along the way and a good setup its so easy. ok so plant 1 ... WOW! F*CKING WOW! i am so sorry with all this shit and financial difficulties i cant get a camera because this thing looks (not in any way trying to be insulting) alot better then almost everything else out there at this stage that i have seen. its a foot tall now, and has 8 branching leaves that are huge(keep getting bigger and longer each one) with a new set already comming up AND each and every set of branches has leaves? more branching?!? comming from its base. one even has 5 leaves, like an actual full marijuana looking leaf growing between the stalk and the branch. i mean there is so much branching and leaves it cant possibly be a male... i f*cking hope. anyway i am thinking if it is female its going to be a massive producer. i just wish i got a name of the strain, but it was some dodo. and its starting to lightly smell for the past week. anyway friend is abot to be back its itllprolly be another couple days before i can give it any attention or even open my closet but when i do ill keep you updated. by the way is it possible to male or female while vegging?