Text Me


Well-Known Member

This is a small social experiment in the name of science. It's for a small research sample online I'm conducting for a larger experiment for a paper I'm writing.

I hope I'm not breaking any site rules, but again, this is in the name of SCIENCE, so if that's the case, I hope the mods will allow it.

Send me something, anything, it's up to you, that's the study. You send me anything, via text or image, and I'll respond. I won't reply to unknown calls, so don't try to call, just texts.

Let's see where this goes!

Texts and images only! Also, i'd appreciate it if you sent your RIU name along with the text/image, though not required, thanks!

  • Last edited by Padawanbater2; 03-25-2012 at 05:52 AM. Reason: Paranoia..

