Texting while driving who does it.


New Member
I get pissed when i see someone texting while driving. Yeah i know i might be smokin a joint/blunt but my eyes are still on the road. Who agrees texting while driving is worse than being high while driving? Does anyone have a opinoin:wall:


Well-Known Member
CHP has driven by me three times now, while texting, twice at night.

no ticket. I don't think they care.


New Member
if i was CHP which i never would be a cop i would pull you over take your weed and tell you not to do it. now thats being a dickhead cop


Well-Known Member
The CHP has always been cool with me. Many times I could have gone to jail for being stupid and having controlled substances in the car, every time I got let go with a warning. About the texting, yeah, I try to avoid it. Just drive with your knees!

It does piss me off when friends do it while im in the car and start swerving and shit, knowing damn well that we dont need to get pulled over.


Well-Known Member
The CHP has always been cool with me. Many times I could have gone to jail for being stupid and having controlled substances in the car, every time I got let go with a warning. About the texting, yeah, I try to avoid it. Just drive with your knees!

It does piss me off when friends do it while im in the car and start swerving and shit, knowing damn well that we dont need to get pulled over.
I do drive with my knees. that's how I text.


well you can hate me all you want but its not going to stop me from doing it

your being hypocritical anyway, DUI

anyway.... i dont look at my phone when i text anyway, just sits in my lap while i write out the words and send it without me ever looking at it (except to read messages of course)


Well-Known Member
I think I'm a good driver, but if you text and drive your def taking your eyes off the road.
Maybe you should think about that kid chassing the ball across the road.


Well-Known Member
The onlt time I would ever text and drive is when its really late at night and there is nobody on the road. Otherwise its just kinda pointless. Its illegal to even talk on a cellphone while driving here now, yet alone text.


Well-Known Member
It irritates me to no end when I see people using their cellphones while driving. The lady doing 50 in the center lane of the interstate, oblivious to the traffic flying by her on both sides because she's talking on the phone... The guy who talks with his hands and keeps coming over the line into my lane because he isn't steering the car AT ALL while talking on his cellphone.... The COP, who is not only talking on a cellphone but also TYPING on his cruiser laptop (probably instant messaging) while driving down the street.

Anyone know a place that sells "Hang up your phone and DRIVE" bumper stickers?


Well-Known Member
People who text and drive are retarded. They are the same people who total a car every 2 years and I swear to god when you listen to them talk it's NEVER there fault. The police were totally out to get them when they found them at fault.


People who text and drive are retarded. They are the same people who total a car every 2 years and I swear to god when you listen to them talk it's NEVER there fault. The police were totally out to get them when they found them at fault.

oh really cause i have been driving for four years and the only accident i have ever gotten in i didnt even have my phone on me

so everyone in this thread needs to stop generalizing and throwing everyone into the same category

some people can text and drive without swerving

some people can text and drive without looking away from the road

some people cant

just because you have experienced all the "cants" doesnt mean there is not any "cans"