Texting while driving who does it.



There's no such thing as safe driving :wall:

When you put your child in a car seat you know you are putting your child's life in danger. There are a million things that can go wrong, and the percentage of idiots on the road is increasing every year, but most people will continue to pretend they're safe in a car.
incoming blame for cars being dangerous being placed on people like me



Active Member
wow it was just a question lol someone needs a bowl. or 2 bowls.... and 2 beers.
i can text and drive a stick while shifting.... its not hard. ppl that suck at txting are the ones that crash =)
apperently they did a study that ppl want to finish there txt so bad that theyll get in a crash.... but thats there fault
Plus havnt you heard of "Defensive Driving"


Well-Known Member
yay more people who think they can tell others what to do

you have no evidence i have put anyone in danger,

but still you insist on taking away my freedoms

soon it will be

radios are distractions, dont listen to the radio while driving

passengers are distractions, you cant have passengers anymore
taking away your freedoms? Seriously? Are you the type that whines when you hear you're not allowed to smoke at public daycares anymore?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
They aught to give an IQ test and a hand eye coordination test before giving anyone a drivers licence. Most accidents are caused by stupidity


Well-Known Member
They aught to give an IQ test and a hand eye coordination test before giving anyone a drivers licence. Most accidents are caused by stupidity
Diverting one's attention away from the road longer than it takes to change stations on the radio is pretty stupid.


yeah I text and drive. i also get stoned and drive. honestly I feel safer texting but I might just be paranoid from the bud.lol


taking away your freedoms? Seriously? Are you the type that whines when you hear you're not allowed to smoke at public daycares anymore?

i dont smoke, but thats also completely different than texting while driving

texting while driving does not increase the risk of bystanders getting cancer...

the bottom line is im not going to stop just because its illegal (hey whats that remind you of)

and im not going to stop because people dont like it

my job requires me to keep several people constantly updated when im driving to and from my work places, so i do what i have to do

and again. ill let you know if texting causes me to crash

edit: so why are you not saying anything about people eating while driving? according to the logic in use here, would that also be really stupid?

i bet more people eat and drive than text and drive


Well-Known Member

i dont smoke, but thats also completely different than texting while driving

texting while driving does not increase the risk of bystanders getting cancer...

the bottom line is im not going to stop just because its illegal (hey whats that remind you of)

and im not going to stop because people dont like it

my job requires me to keep several people constantly updated when im driving to and from my work places, so i do what i have to do

and again. ill let you know if texting causes me to crash

edit: so why are you not saying anything about people eating while driving? according to the logic in use here, would that also be really stupid?

i bet more people eat and drive than text and drive
You again? I'm over it.


Active Member
i was texting as i was coming into my neighborhood and while i was looking at the phone texting right after this turn my turn was too wide and i slammed into the back of a parked car outside of someones house, i was maybe 300yards from my house. totaled my car that i had for 3 years.


Well-Known Member
They passed a law where I live that if a cop sees you texting while driving then they have probable cause to pull you over. The crazy thing is that the law is only for teenagers and young people.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I get pissed when i see someone texting while driving. Yeah i know i might be smokin a joint/blunt but my eyes are still on the road. Who agrees texting while driving is worse than being high while driving? Does anyone have a opinoin:wall:
Yes i do. I smoke blunts all the time while driving, used to be daily. IN FACT i even laid my car down and now she is R.I.P. :cry: while smoking a blunt. Thats all irrelavant seriously though.

Anyway i can text and drive and have done so fine but that was more of a testing the waters thing. I hate the phone all together so a reason to not answer when it rings is like gods gift.

So anyway a girl from my school was driving and texting and was looking at the phone when the road turned on her... hmm imagine that.

And she went straight into a stone wall going 45 mph, unfortunately she made it out alright though.

My crash was due to excessive speed in the rain while drifting down a straight road, entirely my fault 10 parts me, 0 parts weed.

Even while high i managed to slide my rear wheel drive car (warning nerd stuff: with an open diff and the dsc broke so there was nothing to help me center the car, no traction control for those of you who dont know what dsc is.)

And at about 50-60 mph with the blunt in one hand i manged to slide sideways down a straight road about 300 feet when i laid her down.

Whos the real killer????

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
They passed a law where I live that if a cop sees you texting while driving then they have probable cause to pull you over. The crazy thing is that the law is only for teenagers and young people.
You sure because cops aren't allowed to make assumptions of someones age before having pulled them over, technically speaking.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Do you see the motorcycle? :confused:

Now do you see it?

The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing themotorcycle. The riders reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place.
All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department.
Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be new drivers, or new motorcycle owners
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Wake up people, If you're stupid to begin with :) stop talking on Cell phones and Texting while trying to drive. Put your Cell phone in the back seat!



Well-Known Member
If you text and drive I hope you crash and burn!! That shits retarded.. I operate a 3500 lb vehicle capable of reaching speeds of like 140-150, I wanna be on my damn A game when behind the wheel, not on my text game.


Active Member
ill read a txt while im driven, but i want reply..

id must rather some 1 call me if they need me.

i hate new drivers who think they r good, and can txt and drive, by the time thy look back up, there out of the damn road. : /