TGA 9 Pound Hammer?

First time recently, but you can't argue with facts.
You don't have to create a stable strain to be a breeder.

I have older friends that have a couple strains worked to F8.
They were bred with open-pollen + only destroyed unworthy males.

Over 200 plants every year in their families hoop-house.
They destroy ~half the males, so by the end of the season there is only ~140.

I was told there hasn't been a Bx, even though they still have clones of the F1 mother.
Horticulture .
to cause to reproduce by controlled pollination.
to improve by controlled pollination and selection.

Your correct, but you don't know if it's an improvement until you grow the offspring.

They are doing controlled pollination + selection.
It doesn't matter if it's the first step in the process(F1)
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Stability and Improvement are 2 different things.
You could breed a stable strain that is not an improvement from the previous generation...
hey richard simmons what about the 9lb. hammer was a dissapointment? i doubt that i buy it but at one point i was considering it
ok richard i guess my answer is in one of your earlier posts should of studied a bit before i asked & with the fierce competition in the seed business its too easy to find something that does perform ''as advertised''
What would that have to do with my post?

I was asking because I feel like anyone who has made a simple 1:1 f1 cross knows that the progeny are almost always a crapshoot and while there can be some STELLAR phenos to be found, no work has been done. One is essentially crossing plants and then crossing their fingers, that's not breeding.
I was asking because I feel like anyone who has made a simple 1:1 f1 cross knows that the progeny are almost always a crapshoot and while there can be some STELLAR phenos to be found, no work has been done. One is essentially crossing plants and then crossing their fingers, that's not breeding.

Which is exactly what I'll be doing when I start dusting some plants..... but then again I won't be selling my beans to the masses for $10 a seed