TGA By Others


Well-Known Member
Had a friend of mine take some closeup shots of my Jillybean today. This guy is good, he did all the promos for True Blood 2 and stuff so his pics could be nice despite his lack of a macro lense. The pics look cool and I can't wait to see the finished resulsts. The Jillybeans he shot for me today are both on week 7 so I hope to show a few nugs of mine on here in the near future. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow Who, that is an amazing grow of spacebomb! You got that to yield more than I saw! Great job! Pics like yours motivate me to become a better grower!


Well-Known Member
hey who you got any dry shots of the spacebomb
Nope, its my first time growing any TGA :-) Im satisfied :-) All the SB i have shown is grown from seed.

I will provide pics when done :-) I didnt mention I crossed 3 diff SB males with this bitch :!:

:fire: + :fire: = :fire: no?
^sub, any input on my calculations lol?
Anyone any input?



Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of Jillybean taken from a friend. Now I put his camera work way above my growing ability so I thought i'd share some of the pretty shots. I love this guys use of a camera.



Well-Known Member
Nope, its my first time growing any TGA :-) Im satisfied :-) All the SB i have shown is grown from seed.

I will provide pics when done :-) I didnt mention I crossed 3 diff SB males with this bitch :!:

:fire: + :fire: = :fire: no?
^sub, any input on my calculations lol?
Anyone any input?
what strain is THAT??? holy fuck......


Well-Known Member
Its been about a month since I finished smoking all my Space Bomb! I miss it!! I'd smoke it, smile, and look down at my computer and think "How did 3 hours just pass?"


Active Member
Man, I can't wait to post my close ups here. My first seeds from overseas has arrived. I made JTR and Jilly Bean my first seeds to try outside of my random collection of bag seeds.


Well-Known Member
Its a mystery clone I got from someone... They never told me what it was and I haven't even seen this person in over a year. It has a VERY fruity smell.
wow. nice friend lol. your new seeds/cross will def be some fire!!! id call it SUPERNUT lol
edit- crystalbomb? jizz? lol