TGA By Others


Well-Known Member
3rd Dimension after drying for 4 days, chopped at day 49 and smells like a sour fruit cocktail with an edge of skunkyness.



Well-Known Member
Some of my vegger's in the bloom tent under 1000 watt MH until they're ready to be flipped which they are ready now (the big ones anyhow) but I just wanna get them as green green green as possible before I flip, not to mention the extra size is gonna help but only 3 will be going under 1 light, if they get much bigger I'll have to fire up the 2nd light before the next batch of the void is ready.

Heres a few of the bigger chernobyl girls, I just want them as green as possible and the middle of that plant needs to fill in a little more and then I'll flip them, I think it should be within the week I hope.

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These are my little voidlings just transplanted 4-5 days ago, the one on the bottom right doesnt belong as its chernobyl.

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One of my voids after some training/abuse..

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my believed jtr cut of chernobyl, one on the left was after being trained a little.

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And now my little chernobe-lees

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The cut of the void I have has now officially become my first keeper keeper. I started this cut and 5 other the void seeds (among way too many other strains) last year and this is the one I ended up keeping out of 40+ TGA beans I popped (I think I have 4 of the void left hidden somewhere), I had a few of each dominant one and to tell you the truth this one was just the luck of the draw because I didnt take cuttings from all like a moron, but this is actually the one I liked best but its a total accident I got it. All of the labeling on my clones was all screwed up etc... and last grow I busted out the last 2 live the void clones that looked like they didnt need to go in the trash can and this is what I got, they will be getting treated much better from now on thats for sure.

Its definitely apollo dom. and is some amazing shit to say the least, I am one of those people who really doesnt like sativa's so much either because I dont like the paranoid feeling you get sometimes if they are taken early or whatever but I took this early last time and it was good, this time it looks 10000% better than it did last time and its only been in jars for 3-4 days now so the effects are no where near where they're gonna be once its done curing. But this cut has just enough sativa in it to literally bring on large amounts of energy and keeps me going all day, and brings on some of the creative genius I havent seen out of myself in years, maybe a decade...seriously. I'm trying to slow myself down on it as I dont wanna over saturate myself with it but its given me enough confidence to look for something a little more sativa in the future, maybe vortex but for now I have this cut of the void and 3 cuts as you can see from the pics above of chernobyl to pick through so I have some work ahead of me now, so more seeds are the last thing I'm worried about doing at the moment, but at least I have the void to help me when I do pick the next strain.

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I know it could be better but I'm more than happy with the results of this run, so far the best I've done hopefully they keep getting better. I'll post some more pics once everything is cured and all that.

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Active Member
Nice currently doing some 3D but have a jacks cleaner lemon/bleach pheno,she is at week 4 flowering at the mo,and has been pollinated it with a chemmy jones male :),Still that bud looks tasty, my little lady is literally starting to get white all over,even the larger shade leaves are getting crystallize which is sweet,subcools genetics are awesome

3rd Dimension after drying for 4 days, chopped at day 49 and smells like a sour fruit cocktail with an edge of skunkyness.

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Well-Known Member
Well, I'm convinced to say the least. I'm getting some TGA beans as soon as this next paycheck hits. :hump:

Only question for the fathers/mothers of those beautiful buds: Which strain have you had the most color/smell/bag appeal succes with? Was the smoke just as good? Thanks for posting all the great things in this thread.


Well-Known Member
well TGA has a lot of great crosses that are ALL considered DANK and top shelf medicine. Im flowering Plushberry right now, and this strain covers everything your looking for. Colors, Smell, Taste. Im pretty sure most of subcools strains have genetic traits to change color. TGA all the way buddy you wont be disapointed withh any of yoour choices. Subcools description is better than a lot of breeders as well, so it makes it much easier to pick out what kind of taste and smell that you like or different phenotypes that youre looking for. Hes got everything you could ask for!

I want to try the Ripped Bubba & Space Dawg next.


Well-Known Member
Although I am on board with you gentlemen (and I appreciate your response Wolfpack), I must say that I am completely torn between what strain to grow! If there has ever been a time in my life where I felt like a kid in a candy store, it would have to be looking through TGA gear.

Plushberry would be #1 on the list closely followed by Qrazy Train and Jilly Bean. Decisions, decisions...


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm convinced to say the least. I'm getting some TGA beans as soon as this next paycheck hits. :hump:

Only question for the fathers/mothers of those beautiful buds: Which strain have you had the most color/smell/bag appeal succes with? Was the smoke just as good? Thanks for posting all the great things in this thread.
Querkle is an amazing plant! Besides changing color and smelling amazing, it is one of the tastiest buds I have ever grown! Tastes like grape/berry lifesavers.......


Well-Known Member
I know this is technically for bud shots, but i had to throw some pics of my buddies TGA ladies. all of the TGA are running under the 1000, everything else gets the 600 lol. (the yellowing is from being thrown back under the 1000 after being under the 400 for a bit). all vegged for 2 months+ from seed. in 6's and 7gals. Today is their first day of 12/12. all organic.

INdividual plant shots in order: vortex, 3D, 3D, vortex bush , vortex, 3D,, plushberry# 1

plushberry#2, JIllybean, Jilly, Jilly, Jilly


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple shots of a Qrazy Train bud i've had curing for 3 months or so. got a few colas left, looking forward to my next run of her. got that musky,spicy, grape smell and taste with a hint of fuel. If you got pain, heres your medicine.P1000252.jpgP1000251.jpgP1000250.jpgP1000255.jpgP1000256.jpgP1000249.jpg


Active Member
3rd Dimension at day 29 since showing sex,roughly 21-30 days to go,more of a sativa pheno so I imagine she will be the full 8-9 weeks rather than 7 like some of the quicker ones.Still she is piling the weight on daily,and believe it or not is being grown under a LED,