TGA Hydro Grow Pennywise, Mickeykush, Jillybean


Well-Known Member
I am hoping to come up strong with the pennywise. I really need a pain relief that doesn't cloud my head for sleeping. I can't seem to remember any dreams when smoking dank before bed.


Well-Known Member
Nice trays BW!

I like the Pennywise. My LA Confidential had a lot of power under its leaves :0)
(I just loved the way it grew, and looked. It was strong and easy and very well structured)

It reminds me of the PW. "Pagoda" buds.

Thanks for sharing.



Well-Known Member



Active Member
Lookin dank!

Im a big fan of my tga qleaner and I have a cut of their plushberry pink pheno that I am super stoked to run.


Well-Known Member
Purple Mayhem at almost 7 wks. Gettin lots o' frost and color...smells like berry/gunpowder...
2013-12-08 00.21.45.jpg2013-12-08 00.23.48.jpg


Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting published BW.

The PW has me very excited to see what pheno I get.

I am trying a slew of TGA breeds, and really want a nice
lemon from Jacks Cleaner 2.

Thanks again for bringing the frost.



Well-Known Member
So here we have 2 Pennywise at 28 days old. The right one is showing male parts as of today, so fugg it! It will be disposed of and crossing my fingers on the next one frens. No sign yet, but it is still exhibiting the crinckled leaves; interesting look. I will be throwin two more lil' ones in the ground safe.

2013-12-09 23.59.45.jpg